Updated on 2024-04-02 GMT+08:00

Username and Password Authentication Using HSFabric

This section describes how to use HSFabric to connect to HetuEngine with the username and password, and assemble and send the SQL statements to HetuEngine for execution.

import jaydebeapi
driver = "io.xxx.jdbc.xxxDriver"
# need to change the value based on the cluster information
url = "jdbc:xxx://"
user = "YourUserName"
// Hard-coded password or plaintext password in code poses significant security risks. Encrypt and store them in configuration files or environment variables and decrypt them when needed.
// The password is stored in environment variables for identity authentication. Before running this example, set the environment variable HETUENGINE_PASSWORD.
password = os.getenv('HETUENGINE_PASSWORD')
tenant = "YourTenant"
jdbc_location = "Your file path of the jdbc jar"
sql = "show tables"
if __name__ == '__main__':
    conn = jaydebeapi.connect(driver, url, {"user": user,
                                            "SSL": "true",
                                            "password": password,
                                            "tenant": tenant},
    curs = conn.cursor()
    result = curs.fetchall()

The following table describes the parameters in the preceding code.

Table 1 Parameter description





  • xxx: driver name, which is subjective to the real-world code you use.
  • catalog and schema indicate the names of the catalog and schema to be connected to the JDBC client, respectively.
  • HSFabric_IP:HSFabric_Port indicates the HSFabric URL. Use commas (,) to separate multiple URLs, for example,,,

    On FusionInsight Manager, choose Cluster > Services > HetuEngine and click Instance to obtain the service IP addresses of all HSFabric instances. On the Configurations page, search for gateway.port to obtain the port number of HSFabric.


Username for accessing HetuEngine, that is, the username of the human-machine user created in the cluster.


Password of the human-machine user created in the cluster.


Tenant resource queue for accessing HetuEngine compute instances


Full path of the hetu-jdbc-XXX.jar package obtained in Configuring the Python3 Sample Project.

  • Example path in Windows: D:\\hetu-examples-python3\\hetu-jdbc-XXX.jar
  • Example path in Linux: /opt/hetu-examples-python3/hetu-jdbc-XXX.jar