Updated on 2024-04-02 GMT+08:00

KeyTab File Authentication Using HSFabric

The KeyTab file authentication requires the jaas-zk.conf, krb5.conf, and user.keytab files.

For details about how to obtain the krb5.conf and user.keytab files, see Security Authentication.

In the jaas-zk.conf file, principal is the username added for authentication in section Security Authentication@domain name. The domain name is the value of the default_realm field in the krb5.conf file (For example, HADOOP.COM). keyTab is the path of the user.keytab file.

    Client {
    com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required
    principal="hivetest@System domain name"

Change the value of keyTab in the jaas-zk.conf file based on the site requirements.

For example:

  • Windows Path: "D:\\hetu-examples\\hetu-examples-security\\src\\main\\resources\\user.keytab".
  • Linux Path: "/opt/client/user.keytab".