Updated on 2022-02-22 GMT+08:00

Example - Input

The following is an example of the audio input module:
#! /usr/bin/python3.7

import hilens
import wave

def run():
    # Construct a local audio file collector and save the decoded data to a WAV file.
    cap = hilens.AudioCapture("\tmp\test.aac")
    # Construct a local microphone collector.
    cap2 = hilens.AudioCapture(sample_rate=hilens.AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE_16000, bit_width=hilens.AUDIO_BIT_WIDTH_16, nSamples=1000, sound_mode=hilens.AUDIO_SOUND_MODE_MONO) 
    wav = wave.open("test.wav", "wb")
    wav.setnchannels(2) # Set the number of channels to 2.
    wav.setsampwidth(2) # Set the sampling rate to 16 bits.
    wav.setframerate(44100) # Set the sampling rate.
    for i in range(100): # Read 500 frames of data and write the data to a file (about 12s).
        data = cap.read(5)
    wav.close() # The test.wav audio file is generated in the current directory and can be opened using a common player.

if __name__ == '__main__':