Updated on 2023-11-30 GMT+08:00

Compiling the Sample Project Code

  1. Download and decompress the .
  2. Import the sample project code.

    1. On Eclipse, choose File > Import.
    2. Choose Maven > Existing Maven Projects, click Next.
    3. Select the directory to which the sample project code DmsTcpDemoClient.zip is decompressed.

  3. Right-click the dms.tcp.demo project. Choose Run As > Maven build... from the shortcut menu. Enter clean package to build the project.
  4. Save the build output in the target directory. The default file name is dms.tcp.demo-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.
  5. Replace the dms.tcp.demo-1.0.0.jar file in the DmsTcpDemoClient/dist/libs directory on the ECS with dms.tcp.demo-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar. Then run the newly built project following the procedure described in Running the Sample Project.