Updated on 2024-06-21 GMT+08:00

Example Code

This section describes the commands for separating cold data from hot data in CloudTable ClickHouse and the automated transfer of cold data into OBS storage buckets..

Sample Code

  • Create the ClickHouse cold and hot data separation table test_table.
       `timestamp` DATETIME NOT NULL COMMENT " Log time",
        `type` INT NOT NULL COMMENT " log type",
        `error_code` INT COMMENT "Error code",
        `error_msg` VARCHAR(1024) COMMENT "Error details",
        `op_id` BIGINT COMMENT "Operator ID",
        `op_time` DATETIME COMMENT "Operation time"
    ENGINE = MergeTree()
    PARTITION BY timestamp
    ORDER BY timestamp
    TTL timestamp + INTERVAL 1 DAY TO DISK 'cold_disk'
    SETTINGS storage_policy = 'hot_to_cold';
  • Insert data for verification.
    insert into test_table values('2024-06-04 10:36:00','1','404','Resource Not Found','998756','2024-06-04 11:36:00');  -- hot data
    insert into test_table values('2024-06-04 10:35:00','1','404','Resource Not Found','998756','2024-06-04 11:35:00');  -- hot data
    insert into test_table values('2024-06-03 10:33:00','1','404','Resource Not Found','998756','2024-06-03 11:33:00');  -- cold data
    insert into test_table values('2024-03-27 09:10:00','1','200','ok','998756','2024-03-27 10:10:00');  -- cold data
    insert into test_table values('2024-03-25 11:08:00','1','404','Resource Not Found','998756','2024-03-25 12:08:00');  -- cold data
  • Query the inserted data.
    Query data.
    select * from test_table FORMAT CSV;

    Query the partition fields, partition name, and storage path of the partitioned table used for data storage.

    SELECT name,partition,active,path FROM system.parts WHERE database = 'default' and table = 'test_table' and active = 1;
    Figure 1 Querying data

    The current system time is 22:00 on June 4, 2024. Data in the timestamp column of the test_table table that has been stored for more than one day is transferred to the OBS bucket cold_disk for storage.