Updated on 2024-04-29 GMT+08:00

Common Query

Function Description

Based on the Lucene syntax, CloudTable term index provides the self-developed query API LemonTable.query(LemonQuery query).

Sample Code

public void testNormalQuery() {
  LOG.info("Entering testNormalQuery.");

  try (Table table = conn.getTable(tableName)) {
    // Using Table instance to create LemonTable.
    LemonTable lemonTable = new LemonTable(table);
    // Build LemonQuery.
    LemonQuery query = LemonQuery.builder()
      // Set ad-hoc query condition.
      .setQuery("education:bachelor OR education:master") //(1)
      // Set how many rows should be cached on client for the initial request.
      .setCaching(10) //(2)
      // Set return column family/columns.
      .addColumn(FAM_N, QUA_N) //(3)
      // Set return return result just contains rowkeys, no any qualifier
      // the CF of LemonConstants.EMPTY_COLUMN_RETURN can be a random existing CF
      //.addColumn(FAM_M, LemonConstants.EMPTY_COLUMN_RETURN)
    ResultSet resultSet = lemonTable.query(query);
    // Read result rows.

    int count = resultSet.getCount();
    LOG.info("the entity count of query is " + count);

    List<EntityEntry> entries = resultSet.listRows();
    for (EntityEntry entry : entries) {
      Map<String, Map<String, String>> fams = entry.getColumns();
      for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, String>> familyEntry : fams.entrySet()) {
        String family = familyEntry.getKey();
        Map<String, String> qualifiers = familyEntry.getValue();
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> qualifier : qualifiers.entrySet()) {
          String Qua = qualifier.getKey();
          String value = qualifier.getValue();
          LOG.info("rowkey is " + Bytes.toString(entry.getRow()) + ", qualifier is "
            + family + ":" + Qua + ", value is " + value);
  } catch (IOException e) {
    LOG.error("testNormalQuery failed ", e);

  LOG.info("Exiting testNormalQuery.");


(1) Indicates a query condition, which complies with the Lucene syntax/BNF normal form. Example:
"Male ANDMarried AND AGE:25-30 AND BLOOD_TYPE:A"
"Male ANDMarried AND (AGE:25-30 OR AGE:30-35)AND BLOOD_TYPE:A"

(2) Indicates the number of rows of data to be returned in the query result.

(3) Indicates which qualifiers are returned in each row of data. If only a column family is set, all columns in the column family are returned.