Help Center/ Intelligent EdgeFabric/ Edgectl User Guide/ Error Codes/ IEF Software Errors/ ERROR5005 Failed to start the IEF software
Updated on 2022-02-21 GMT+08:00

ERROR5005 Failed to start the IEF software


The IEF software on the node fails to be started.

Possible Causes

  • The IEF software is deleted by mistake.
  • The IEF software cannot be started.


Check whether the corresponding IEF software exists.

systemctl status edgecore

systemctl status edgelogger

systemctl status edgemonitor

systemctl status edgedaemon

  • If yes, manually start Edge-Core, Edge-Logger, Edge-Monitor, and Edge-Daemon.

    systemctl start edgecore

    systemctl start edgelogger

    systemctl start edgemonitor

    systemctl start edgedaemon

  • If any software cannot be started, submit a service ticket.