Updated on 2023-05-15 GMT+08:00


VPCs are isolated from each other. To connect two VPCs in the same region, you can use a VPC peering connection to route traffic between them using private IP addresses. To connect VPCs in different regions, you can use Cloud Connect.

Here are some scenarios to help you determine which configuration is best suited to your networking requirements.
Table 1 VPC peering scenarios


Configuration Description

  • VPC CIDR blocks do not overlap.
  • Subnet CIDR blocks do not overlap.

Create VPC peering connections to connect entire CIDR blocks of VPCs.

For details, see Connecting Entire CIDR Blocks of VPCs.

  • VPC CIDR blocks overlap.
  • Some subnet CIDR blocks overlap.

Create VPC peering connections to connect specific subnets or ECSs from different VPCs.

  • VPC CIDR blocks overlap.
  • All subnet CIDR blocks overlap.

VPC peering connections are not usable.

For details, see Unsupported VPC Peering Configurations.