Updated on 2023-03-16 GMT+08:00

Deleting an Application

Scenario: If an application is no longer used and needs to be taken offline, you can delete it.

Prerequisites: The application has been uninstalled from all cloud phones of the cloud phone server.

Usage guide: Invoke the DeleteShareApps API (https://support.huaweicloud.com/intl/en-us/api-cph/cph_api_0547.html) to delete the application.

Example of the curl command

curl -i -k -X DELETE "https://${CPH Endpoint}/v1/${projectId}/cloud-phone/phones/share-apps" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -d '
    "package_name": "com.miniteck.miniworld",
    "server_ids": ["1678567b8bab40f93711234cb8","1234567b8bab40ffb711234cb"]

server_ids indicates IDs of servers that receive file push. You can specify multiple server IDs.

The push task created by this API is executed asynchronously. You need to invoke the Querying the Task Execution Status List API to check whether the task is successfully executed.