Updated on 2022-02-22 GMT+08:00

(Optional) Managing the Agent

This section guides you to manage the Agent. You can view, start, stop, and uninstall the Agent as needed.

You need to view, start, stop, and uninstall the Agent as user root.

Checking the Agent Status

Log in to the BMS and run the following command to check the Agent status:

service telescoped status

The Agent is running properly if the system displays the following information:

"Telescope process is running well."

Starting the Agent

Run the following command to start the Agent:

/usr/local/telescope/telescoped start

Restarting the Agent

Run the following command to restart the Agent:

/usr/local/telescope/telescoped restart

Stopping the Agent

Run the following command to stop Agent:

service telescoped stop

If the Telescope installation fails, you may fail to stop the Agent, and you can run the following command to stop the Agent again:

/usr/local/telescope/telescoped stop

Uninstalling the Agent

You can manually uninstall the Agent. After the uninstallation, Cloud Eye does not collect the BMS monitoring data. If you need to use the Agent again, install it again. For details, see section Installing the Agent.

Run the following command to uninstall the Agent:
