Updated on 2023-01-16 GMT+08:00

Joining a Consortium

When you are invited to join a consortium blockchain, you will receive a notification. You can accept the invitation to join the consortium.


  1. Log in to the BCS console.
  2. Choose Notification Management in the navigation pane on the left. Locate the notification and click View Details in the Operation column.
  3. Create a BCS instance.

    1. Click Create Instance and use the new BCS instance to join the channel.
      Figure 1 Creating instances
    2. Specify the BCS instance parameters as prompted.
      Table 1 Parameters



      Billing Mode

      Select pay-per-use.


      Select the same region as the inviting party.

      Instance Name

      Enter the same name as the BCS instance of the inviting party, for example, bank-union-demo.


      Select Enterprise.

      Blockchain Type

      Select Consortium.

      Cluster Type

      Select CCE cluster.

      Container Cluster

      Select an existing container cluster.

      Volume Type

      Select SFS.

      Network Storage

      Select an existing SFS file system.

      Ledger Storage

      Retain the default value (GoLevelDB), which is used by the inviting party.

      Peer Organization

      Create one peer organization named civilizationBank.

      Consensus Mechanism

      Retain the default value, which is used by the inviting party.

      Enable Data Aging on Orderers

      Select No.

      Cross-AZ Scheduling

      Select No.

      Security Mechanism

      Retain the default value.


      Retain the default value, which is used by the inviting party.

      Blockchain Mgmt. Initial Password

      Enter a password.

      Use EIP of a CCE Node

      Select Yes.

    3. Click Next, confirm the configuration, and click Submit.

      Wait for several minutes. After a message is displayed indicating successful creation, check the status of the instance and organizations. If they are Normal, the deployment is completed.

  4. After creating the BCS instance, confirm the organization in the Notice Details window and click Accept to join the consortium blockchain.
  5. Other invitees can repeat 1 to 4 to join the consortium.

    The operations and parameter settings for other invitees are the same as described in the previous steps, except the peer organization names. In this demo, invitee B should set the name of the peer organization to harmoniousBank.