Help Center/ Blockchain Service/ FAQs/ Enhanced Hyperledger Fabric/ Instance Management/ Abnormal Instance Statuses/ What Can I Do If a BCS Instance Is in the Frozen or Cluster frozen State?
Updated on 2022-09-26 GMT+08:00

What Can I Do If a BCS Instance Is in the Frozen or Cluster frozen State?


The BCS instance is in the Frozen or Cluster frozen state.

Fault Locating

Check whether the account is in arrears. If the account is in arrears, resources will be frozen.


  1. Log in to the BCS console and click Billing Center in the upper part of the page.
  2. In the Pending Renewal area, click View All. On the displayed page, select the resources to be renewed and click Renew.

  3. After the renewal is complete, go to the ECS console and check the status of the ECS where the BCS instance is deployed. (ECS names usually take the following format: Name of the cluster where the BCS instance is deployed-A random number.) If the ECS is in the Stopped state, wait for about 5 minutes and try again.

    After you renew the resources, the order status changes to Completed, indicating that the resources have been unfrozen and the resource status is restored.