Help Center> GeminiDB> API Reference> Change History
Updated on 2023-11-21 GMT+08:00

Change History

Released On



This issue is the twenty-seventh official release.

Added the following API:

Querying Regions Where a Dual-Active Relationship Can Be Created Between Two Instances


This issue is the twenty-sixth official release.

Added support for single-node GeminiDB Influx instances in Applying a Parameter Template.

Added support for single-node GeminiDB Influx instances in Modifying Parameters of a Specified Instance.


This issue is the twenty-fifth official release.

Added the planned time when the API becomes unavailable and replacement API in Instance Specifications.

Added the planned time when the API becomes unavailable and replacement API in Obtaining Parameter Templates.

Added the planned time when the API becomes unavailable and replacement API in Querying an Instance by Tag.


This issue is the twenty-fourth official release.

Added the following APIs:

Creating a Database Account

Changing Permissions for a Database Account

Resetting the Password of a Database Account

Deleting a Database Account

Obtaining the Database Account List

Obtaining All Databases in an Instance


This issue is the twenty-third official release.

Added the following APIs:

Checking Password Strength

Changing a Database Port

Configuring Access to a Replica Set Across CIDR Blocks

Deleting the Node that Fails to Be Added

Querying IP Addresses Required for Creating an Instance or Adding Nodes

Configuring the Autoscaling Policy of Storage Space

Comparing Parameter Templates

Replicating a Parameter Template

Querying API that Support Parameter Templates

Querying Database Error Logs

Setting the Desensitization Status of Slow Query Logs


This issue is the twenty-second official release.

Added the following APIs:

Querying Instances that a Parameter Template Can Be Applied To

Viewing Parameter Change History of an Instance

Viewing Application Records of a Parameter Template

Creating Cold Storage

Scaling Up Cold Storage

Binding/Unbinding an EIP

Enabling or Disabling SSL

Restarting an Instance

Configuring an Autoscaling Policy for Storage Space

Pausing/Resuming Data Synchronization Between Two Instances with a DR Relationship

Creating a Manual Backup


This issue is the twenty-first official release.

Added the following APIs:

Querying Instances that Can Be Restored

Querying the Time Window When a Backup Can Be Restored

Deleting a Manual Backup

Restoring Data to an Existing Instance


This is the twentieth official release.

Added the following APIs:

Obtaining Role Information of a DR Instance

Promoting a DR Instance from Standby to Primary

Demoting a DR Instance from Primary to Standby


This issue is the nineteenth official release.

Added the following APIs:

Checking Whether a DR Relationship Can Be Created with or Deleted from a Specified Instance

Creating a DR Relationship with a Specified Instance

Deleting a DR Relationship from a Specific Instance


This is the eighteenth official release.

Added information about patch installation of GeminiDB Cassandra in Upgrading Minor Version.

Added information about adding nodes for a GeminiDB Influx instance in Adding Nodes for an Instance.


This issue is the seventeenth official release.

Added parameters lb_port and subnet_id in Querying Instances and Details.

Added parameter subnet_id in Adding Nodes for an Instance.


This issue is the sixteenth official release.


This issue is the fifteenth official release.

Added the description of changing GeminiDB Redis instance specifications in Changing Specifications of an Instance.


This issue is the fourteenth official release.

Added an API (Querying Dedicated Resources).

Added the dedicated_resource_id parameter in Creating an Instance and Querying Instances and Details.


This is the thirteen official release.


This issue is the twelfth official release.

Added English error information in Error Codes.


This issue is the eleventh official release.

Updated GeminiDB Redis metrics.


This is the tenth official release.

GeminiDB Influx supports the following APIs:

Querying Version Information

Querying Instance Specifications

Creating an Instance

Deleting an Instance

Querying Instances and Details

Scaling Up Storage Space of an Instance

Resetting the Administrator Password of an Instance

Editing the Name of an Instance

Querying an Automated Backup Policy

Configuring an Automated Backup Policy


This is the ninth official release.

GeminiDB Influx supports the following APIs:


This is the eighth official release.

Supported up to 20 resource tags.

Added the description about storage increase step (1) in Scaling Up Storage Space of an Instance.


This issue is the seventh official release.

GeminiDB Mongo supports the following APIs:


This is the sixth official release.


This issue is the fifth official release.


This is the fourth official release.

Added new metrics.


This is the third official release.

Added Introduction.

Added GeminiDB Actions.

Added some metrics.


This is the second official release.

Added Querying Database Slow Logs.


This issue is the first official release.