Updated on 2024-03-27 GMT+08:00

API Overview

Content Moderation provides Huawei-developed APIs, including Text Moderation, Image Moderation, Audio Moderation, and Video Moderation. You can use Content Moderation by calling these APIs.

Moderation (Text)

Table 1 API description



Text Moderation

Moderation (Text) analyzes and identifies whether the uploaded text contains pornographic elements, and returns the result to you.

Moderation (Image)

Table 2 API description



Image Moderation

This API analyzes and identifies whether the uploaded images contain pornographic elements or terrorism-related content, and returns the result to you.

Audio Moderation

Table 3 API description



Creating an Audio Moderation Job

This API is used to create an audio content moderation job. After the job is successfully created, the job ID is returned to you.

Querying an Audio Content Moderation Job

This API is used to query the processing status and result of an audio review job and return the recognition result to you.

Video Content Moderation

Table 4 API description



Creating a Video Moderation Job

This API is used to create a video moderation job. After the job is successfully created, the job ID is returned to you.

Querying a Video Moderation Job

This API is used to query the processing status and result of a video moderation job and return the recognition result to you.

Audio Stream Moderation

Table 5 API description



Creating an Audio Stream Moderation Job

This API is used to create an audio stream moderation job. After the job is created, the job ID is returned.

Stopping an Audio Stream Moderation Job

This API is used to stop an audio stream moderation job and return the recognition result to you.