Updated on 2022-07-04 GMT+08:00

Meeting End Event

When a meeting in your enterprise ends, the server pushes a POST request to the callback URL of enterprise developers.

If the scheduled end time of the meeting does not arrive after the meeting ends, participants can join the meeting again.

For details about request parameters, see Table 1.

Response message: 200 OK, without a body.

Example of Pushing the Meeting End Event


POST /openapi/meetingevent 
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2019 09:32:47 GMT
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Connection: keep-alive
Pragma: No-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache
X-Request-ID: 539e8b710378987ffc5eb844b5e5c290

  "appID": "123456789",
  "timestamp": 1629813991351,
  "nonce": "60426560",
  "signature": "e3945cab9c583f394ae5e4957b83905e779cacaa2377d9542e19e011cc60a139",
  "eventInfo": {
	"event": "meeting.end",
	"timestamp": 1629813991351,
	"payload": {
		"meetingInfo": {
		   "meetingID": "987446316",
                   "meetingUUID": "0307e0400f0a11eca58a9fcb8e69dde8",
                   "meetingCycleSubID": "6038a614321511ecaf39ffbe33ed54dc"


HTTP/1.1 200 
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2019 09:32:47 GMT
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Connection: keep-alive
X-Request-ID: 539e8b710378987ffc5eb844b5e5c290