Querying Created FlexusL Instances
This API is used to query information about created FlexusL instances, including the instance name, instance ID, and EIP. It is the Config API for querying all resources under an account. This section lists the key information about API usage. For more information about the API, see Querying All Resources Under an Account.
You must have the rms:resources:list permissions.
GET /v1/resource-manager/domains/{domain_id}/all-resources
When querying created FlexusL instances, you only need to pay attention to the Query parameters described in the following table.
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Description |
region_id |
No |
Region ID. It specifies whether to query created FlexusL instances by region.
type |
Yes |
Resource type list. To query FlexusL instances, set this parameter to hcss.l-instance. |
limit |
No |
limit and marker are both specified for pagination query. |
marker |
The following describes common response parameters of FlexusL instances.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
id |
String |
ID of a FlexusL instance. |
name |
String |
Name of a FlexusL instance. |
region_id |
String |
Region where a FlexusL instance resides. |
properties |
Map<String,Object> |
Resource property details. For details about the data structure, see Table 3. |
Field |
Type |
Description |
metadata |
Map<String,String> |
FlexusL instance metadata. For details about the data structure, see Table 4. |
resources |
Array of objects |
Resources packaged in a FlexusL instance. For details about the data structure, see Table 5. |
Field |
Type |
Description |
charging_mode |
String |
Billing mode. Yearly/Monthly is a prepaid mode. |
order_id |
String |
Order ID. |
resource_spec_code |
String |
Specification code. For details about specifications, see Table 12. |
Field |
Type |
Description |
logical_resource_type |
String |
Type of resources packaged in a FlexusL instance. |
physical_resource_id |
String |
physical_resource_name |
String |
This field indicates a cloud server name when logical_resource_type is set to huaweicloudinternal_ecs_instance. |
Example Request
Query information about all FlexusL instances of the current user.
GET https://{endpoint}/v1/resource-manager/domains/{domain_id}/all-resources?type=hcss.l-instance
Example Response
"resources": [ { "id": "66e3e9f8b271f8319ef19e86", //FlexusL instance ID "name": "BT-cn-north-4-X6p4", //FlexusL instance name "provider": "hcss", "type": "l-instance", "region_id": "cn-north-4", //Region of the FlexusL instance "project_id": "067cf8aecf3845d1ad7a5d308322f13b", "project_name": "cn-north-4", "ep_id": "0", "ep_name": "default", "checksum": "a9c783ed32927aff443932a9cf43cb8e3dd8a5bf1ddd4ae0495aa182c4e02938", "created": "2024-09-13T07:30:00.000Z", "updated": "2024-09-13T07:31:11.000Z", "provisioning_state": "Succeeded", "state": "Normal", "tags": {}, "properties": { "metadata": { "charging_mode": "prePaid", "resource_type": "hws.resource.type.hecsfusion", "resource_spec_code": "ahf.large.1.40g.2m.linux", //Specification code "order_id": "CS2409131529QL4NJ", //Order ID "cloud_service_type": "hws.service.type.hcss" }, "description": "", "resources": [ { "physical_resource_type": "hws.resource.type.marketplace", "logical_resource_type": "hws.resource.type.marketplace", "physical_resource_id": "66e3e9f8b271f8319ef19e86_f267d4ce-0d85-41ce-99c3-f5c4b3ca4640_0", "logical_resource_name": "huaweicloudinternal_ecs_instance_image", "cloud_service_type": "hws.service.type.marketplace" }, { "physical_resource_type": "hws.resource.type.vm", "logical_resource_type": "huaweicloudinternal_ecs_instance", "physical_resource_id": "72a270de-665a-4f46-8d64-24ad6edccdd2", //Cloud server ID "physical_resource_name": "hcss_ecs_ff60", //Cloud server name "resource_attributes": [ { "value": "null", "key": "admin_pass" }, { "value": "cn-north-4g", "key": "availability_zone" }, { "value": "null", "key": "batch_create_in_multi_az" }, { "value": "[]", "key": "data_volumes" }, { "value": "null", "key": "description" }, { "value": "{\"chargingMode\":\"prePaid\",\"imageproductid\":\"OFFI890411017782276096\",\"orderID\":\"CS2409131529QL4NJ\",\"productID\":\"OFFI1017640863722074117\"}", "key": "extendparam" }, { "value": "at7.large.1", "key": "flavor_id" }, { "value": "null", "key": "frozen" }, { "value": "72a270de-665a-4f46-8d64-24ad6edccdd2", "key": "id" }, { "value": "f267d4ce-0d85-41ce-99c3-f5c4b3ca4640", "key": "image_id" }, { "value": "null", "key": "is_auto_rename" }, { "value": "null", "key": "key_name" }, { "value": "{\"__support_agent_list\":\"hss,hss-pc,ces\"}", "key": "metadata" }, { "value": "hcss_ecs_ff60", "key": "name" }, { "value": "[{\"ip_address\":\"\",\"ipv6_bandwidth\":[],\"ipv6_enable\":false,\"subnet_id\":\"d99a81d0-4262-4a0b-8258-8ac2357d7bcf\"}]", "key": "nics" }, { "value": "null", "key": "os_scheduler_hints" }, { "value": "db18e1cd-7fea-4e8d-95b0-e31db879b8ee", "key": "primary_port_id" }, { "value": "[]", "key": "publicip" }, { "value": "[{\"cluster_id\":\"\",\"cluster_type\":\"\",\"extendparam\":{\"orderID\":\"CS2409131529QL4NJ\"},\"hw_passthrough\":false,\"iops\":0,\"metadata\":{},\"size\":40,\"throughput\":0,\"volumetype\":\"SAS_for_smb\"}]", "key": "root_volume" }, { "value": "[{\"id\":\"b88fdd7e-fe03-4e3f-ab64-1e5e1f8de0d9\"}]", 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"status" }, { "value": "null", "key": "type" }, { "value": "2024-09-13T07:31:11Z", "key": "cors_crm_updated_at" } ], "logical_resource_name": "huaweicloudinternal_eip_light_server_eip", "cloud_service_type": "hws.service.type.vpc" }, { "physical_resource_type": "", "logical_resource_type": "huaweicloudinternal_eip_attach", "physical_resource_id": "ad75ed90-2cd5-4f96-a65c-c4cb0b3690c0", "resource_attributes": [ { "value": "db18e1cd-7fea-4e8d-95b0-e31db879b8ee", "key": "associate_instance_id" }, { "value": "PORT", "key": "associate_instance_type" }, { "value": "null", "key": "cascade_delete_by_instance" }, { "value": "ad75ed90-2cd5-4f96-a65c-c4cb0b3690c0", "key": "eip_id" }, { "value": "ad75ed90-2cd5-4f96-a65c-c4cb0b3690c0", "key": "id" }, { "value": "2024-09-13T07:31:11Z", "key": "cors_crm_updated_at" } ], "logical_resource_name": "huaweicloudinternal_eip_attach_light_server_eip_attach_ecs", "cloud_service_type": "" }, { "physical_resource_type": "", "logical_resource_type": 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