Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
This section describes fine-grained permissions management for your DLI. If your Huawei Cloud account does not need individual IAM users, then you may skip this section.
By default, new IAM users do not have permissions assigned. You need to add them to one or more groups, and attach permissions policies or roles to these groups. Users inherit permissions from the groups to which they are added After authorization, the user can perform specified operations on MRS based on the permissions.
Based on the authorization precision, permissions are classified into roles and policies.
- Roles are a type of coarse-grained authorization mechanism that defines permissions related to user responsibilities.
- Policies define API-based permissions for operations on specific resources under certain conditions, allowing for more fine-grained, secure access control of cloud resources.

Policy-based authorization is useful if you want to allow or deny the access to an API.
An account has all the permissions required to call all APIs, but IAM users must be assigned the required permissions. The permissions required for calling an API are determined by the actions supported by the API. Only users who have been granted permissions allowing the actions can call the API successfully. For example, if an IAM user needs to create buckets using an API, the user must have been granted permissions that allow the dli:queue:create_queue action.
Supported Actions
VBS provides system-defined policies that can be directly used in IAM. You can also create custom policies and use them to supplement system-defined policies, implementing more refined access control. Operations supported by policies are specific to APIs. The following are common concepts related to policies:
- Permissions: Allow or deny operations on specified resources under specific conditions.
- APIs: RESTful APIs that can be called in a custom policy.
- Actions: added to a custom policy to control permissions for specific operations.
- Related actions: Actions on which a specific action depends to take effect. When assigning permissions for the action to a user, you also need to assign permissions for the related actions.
- IAM or enterprise projects: Type of projects for which an action will take effect. Policies that contain actions supporting both IAM and enterprise projects can be assigned to user groups and take effect in both IAM and Enterprise Management. Policies that only contain actions supporting IAM projects can be assigned to user groups and only take effect for IAM. Such policies will not take effect if they are assigned to user groups in Enterprise Project.
For details about the differences between IAM and enterprise projects, see Differences Between IAM and Enterprise Management.

The check mark (√) indicates that an action takes effect. The cross mark (x) indicates that an action does not take effect.
DLI supports the following actions that can be defined in custom policies:
Permission |
Actions |
IAM Project (Project) |
Enterprise Project (Enterprise Project) |
Creating a queue |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/queues |
dli:queue:createQueue |
√ |
√ |
Deleting a queue |
DELETE /v1.0/{project_id}/queues/{queue_name} |
dli:queue:dropQueue |
√ |
√ |
Submitting a job |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/jobs/submit-job |
dli:queue:submitJob |
√ |
× |
Canceling a job |
DELETE /v1.0/{project_id}/jobs/{job_id} |
dli:queue:cancelJob |
√ |
× |
Viewing queue permissions of other users |
GET /v1.0/{project_id}/queues/{queue_name}/users |
dli:queue:showPrivileges |
√ |
× |
Restarting a queue |
PUT /v1.0/{project_id}/queues/{queue_name}/action |
dli:queue:restart |
√ |
× |
Scaling out/in a queue |
PUT /v1.0/{project_id}/queues/{queue_name}/action |
dli:queue:scaleQueue |
√ |
× |
Granting elastic resource pool permissions |
PUT /v1.0/{project_id}/user-authorization |
dli:elasticresourcepool:grantPrivilege |
√ |
× |
Revoking elastic resource pool permissions |
PUT /v1.0/{project_id}/user-authorization |
dli:elasticresourcepool:revokePrivilege |
√ |
× |
Creating a database |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/databases |
dli:database:createDatabase |
√ |
× |
Deleting a database |
DELETE /v1.0/{project_id}/databases/{database_name} |
dli:database:dropDatabase |
√ |
× |
Modifying database configuration |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/jobs/submit-job |
dli:database:alterDatabaseProperties |
√ |
× |
Explaining the SQL statement as an execution plan |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/jobs/submit-job, SQL statement invoking |
dli:database:explain |
√ |
× |
Creating a table |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/databases/{database_name}/tables |
dli:database:createTable |
√ |
× |
Creating a view |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/jobs/submit-job, SQL statement invoking |
dli:database:createView |
√ |
× |
Creating a function |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/jobs/submit-job, SQL statement invoking |
dli:database:createFunction |
√ |
× |
Describing a function |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/jobs/submit-job, SQL statement invoking |
dli:database:describeFunction |
√ |
× |
Deleting a function |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/jobs/submit-job, SQL statement invoking |
dli:database:dropFunction |
√ |
× |
Displaying a function |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/jobs/submit-job, SQL statement invoking |
dli:database:showFunctions |
√ |
× |
Creating a role |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/jobs/submit-job, SQL statement invoking |
dli:database:createRole |
√ |
× |
Deleting a role |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/jobs/submit-job, SQL statement invoking |
dli:database:dropRole |
√ |
× |
Displaying a role |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/jobs/submit-job, SQL statement invoking |
dli:database:showRoles |
√ |
× |
Displaying all roles |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/jobs/submit-job, SQL statement invoking |
dli:database:showAllRoles |
√ |
× |
Binding a role |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/jobs/submit-job, SQL statement invoking |
dli:database:grantRole |
√ |
× |
Unbinding a role |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/jobs/submit-job, SQL statement invoking |
dli:database:revokeRole |
√ |
× |
Displaying the binding relationships between all roles and users |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/jobs/submit-job, SQL statement invoking |
dli:database:showUsers |
√ |
× |
Viewing database permissions of other users |
GET /v1.0/{project_id}/databases/{database_name}/users |
dli:database:showPrivileges |
√ |
× |
Displaying a database |
GET /v1.0/{project_id}/databases |
dli:database:displayDatabase |
√ |
× |
Displaying all databases |
GET /v1.0/{project_id}/databases |
dli:database:displayAllDatabases |
√ |
× |
Displaying all tables |
GET /v1.0/{project_id}/databases |
dli:database:displayAllTables |
√ |
× |
Granting database permissions to a specified user |
PUT /v1.0/{project_id}/user-authorization |
dli:database:grantPrivilege |
√ |
× |
Removing database permissions of a specified user |
PUT /v1.0/{project_id}/user-authorization |
dli:database:revokePrivilege |
√ |
× |
Deleting a table |
DELETE /v1.0/{project_id}/databases/{database_name}/tables/{table_name} |
dli:table:dropTable |
√ |
× |
Displaying the table structure |
GET /v1.0/{project_id}/databases/{database_name}/tables/{table_name} |
dli:table:describeTable |
√ |
× |
Querying a table |
GET /v1.0/{project_id}/databases/{database_name}/tables/{table_name}/preview |
dli:table:select |
√ |
× |
Displaying table configuration |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/jobs/submit-job, SQL statement invoking |
dli:table:showTableProperties |
√ |
× |
Displaying the table creation statement |
GET /v1.0/{project_id}/databases/{database_name}/tables/{table_name}/preview |
dli:table:showCreateTable |
√ |
× |
Displaying all partitions |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/jobs/submit-job, SQL statement invoking |
dli:table:showPartitions |
√ |
× |
Setting table configuration |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/jobs/submit-job, SQL statement invoking |
dli:table:alterTableSetProperties |
√ |
× |
Adding a column |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/jobs/submit-job, SQL statement invoking |
dli:table:alterTableAddColumns |
√ |
× |
Adding partitions to a partitioned table |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/jobs/submit-job, SQL statement invoking |
dli:table:alterTableAddPartition |
√ |
× |
Renaming a table partition |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/jobs/submit-job, SQL statement invoking |
dli:table:alterTableRenamePartition |
√ |
× |
Deleting partitions from a partitioned table |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/jobs/submit-job, SQL statement invoking |
dli:table:alterTableDropPartition |
√ |
× |
Restoring a table partition |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/jobs/submit-job, SQL statement invoking |
dli:table:alterTableRecoverPartition |
√ |
× |
Renaming a table |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/jobs/submit-job, SQL statement invoking |
dli:table:alterTableRename |
√ |
× |
Setting the partition path |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/jobs/submit-job, SQL statement invoking |
dli:table:alterTableSetLocation |
√ |
× |
Inserting table data |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/jobs/submit-job, statement invoking |
dli:table:insertIntoTable |
√ |
× |
Rewriting table data |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/jobs/submit-job, SQL statement invoking |
dli:table:insertOverwriteTable |
√ |
× |
Viewing table permissions of other users |
GET /v1.0/{project_id}/databases/{database_name}/tables/{table_name}/users |
dli:table:showPrivileges |
√ |
× |
Clearing a table |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/jobs/submit-job |
dli:table:truncateTable |
√ |
× |
Updating a table |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/jobs/submit-job |
dli:table:update |
√ |
× |
Deleting table data |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/jobs/submit-job |
dli:table:delete |
√ |
× |
Modifying column information |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/jobs/submit-job |
dli:table:alterTableChangeColumn |
√ |
× |
Deleting a column |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/jobs/submit-job |
dli:table:alterTableDropColumns |
√ |
× |
Displaying data segments |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/jobs/submit-job |
dli:table:showSegments |
√ |
× |
Merging data segments |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/jobs/submit-job |
dli:table:compaction |
√ |
× |
Modifying a view |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/jobs/submit-job, SQL statement invoking |
dli:table:alterView |
√ |
× |
Displaying the table structure |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/jobs/submit-job, executing corresponding SQL statements |
dli:table:describeTable |
√ |
× |
Granting data table permissions to a specified user |
PUT /v1.0/{project_id}/user-authorization |
dli:table:grantPrivilege |
√ |
× |
Removing data table permissions of a specified user |
PUT /v1.0/{project_id}/user-authorization |
dli:table:revokePrivilege |
√ |
× |
Viewing the security authentication information permission list of other users |
GET /v1.0/{project_id}/datasource/auth-infos/{auth_name}/users |
dli:datasourceauth:showPrivileges |
√ |
× |
Using security authentication information |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/jobs/submit-job |
dli:datasourceauth:useAuth |
√ |
× |
Deleting security authentication information |
DELETE /v2.0/{project_id}/datasource/auth-infos/{auth_info_name} |
dli:datasourceauth:dropAuth |
√ |
× |
Updating security authentication information |
PUT /v2.0/{project_id}/datasource/auth-infos |
dli:datasourceauth:updateAuth |
√ |
× |
Granting security authentication permissions to a specified user |
PUT /v1.0/{project_id}/user-authorization |
dli:datasourceauth:grantPrivilege |
√ |
× |
Removing security authentication permissions of a specified user |
PUT /v1.0/{project_id}/user-authorization |
dli:datasourceauth:revokePrivilege |
√ |
× |
Removing job permissions of a specified user |
PUT /v1.0/{{project_id}}/authorization |
dli:jobs:revokePrivilege |
√ |
× |
Querying a Column |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/jobs/submit-job, SQL statement invoking |
dli:column:select |
√ |
× |
Granting permissions to a specified user queue |
PUT /v1.0/{project_id}/user-authorization |
dli:column:grantPrivilege |
√ |
× |
Removing permissions of a specified user queue |
PUT /v1.0/{project_id}/user-authorization |
dli:column:revokePrivilege |
√ |
× |
Listing Flink jobs |
GET /v1.0/{project_id}/streaming/jobs |
dli:jobs:listAll |
√ |
× |
Querying Flink job details |
GET /v1.0/{project_id}/streaming/jobs/{job_id} |
dli:jobs:get |
√ |
× |
Creating a Flink SQL job |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/streaming/sql-jobs |
dli:jobs:create |
√ |
× |
Creating a Flink Jar job |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/streaming/flink-jobs |
dli:jobs:create |
√ |
× |
Updating a Flink SQL job |
PUT /v1.0/{project_id}/streaming/sql-jobs/{job_id} |
dli:jobs:update |
√ |
× |
Updating a Flink Jar job |
PUT /v1.0/{project_id}/streaming/flink-jobs/{job_id} |
dli:jobs:update |
√ |
× |
Deleting a Flink job |
DELETE /v1.0/{project_id}/streaming/jobs/{job_id} |
dli:jobs:delete |
√ |
× |
Running Flink jobs in batches |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/streaming/jobs/run |
dli:jobs:start |
√ |
× |
Stopping a Flink job |
POST /v1.0/{project_id}/streaming/jobs/stopob_id/stop |
dli:jobs:stop |
√ |
× |
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