Listing Add-on Templates
This API is used to obtain an add-on template.
Calling Method
For details, see Calling APIs.
GET /autopilot/v3/addontemplates
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Type |
Description |
addon_template_name |
No |
String |
Add-on name or alias. If this parameter is not specified, all the add-ons will be obtained. |
Request Parameters
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Type |
Description |
Content-Type |
Yes |
String |
Details: The request body type or format Constraints: The GET method is not verified. Options:
Default value: N/A |
X-Auth-Token |
Yes |
String |
Details: Requests for calling an API can be authenticated using either a token or AK/SK. If token-based authentication is used, this parameter is mandatory and must be set to a user token. For details, see Obtaining a User Token. Constraints: None Options: N/A Default value: N/A |
Response Parameters
Status code: 200
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
kind |
String |
API type. The value is fixed at Addon and cannot be changed. |
apiVersion |
String |
API version. The value is fixed at v3 and cannot be changed. |
items |
Array of AddonTemplate objects |
List of add-on templates. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
kind |
String |
API type. The value is fixed at Addon and cannot be changed. |
apiVersion |
String |
API version. The value is fixed at v3 and cannot be changed. |
metadata |
AddonMetadata object |
Basic information about the object. Metadata is a collection of attributes. |
spec |
Templatespec object |
Detailed description of the add-on template. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
uid |
String |
Unique ID |
name |
String |
Add-on name |
alias |
String |
Add-on alias |
labels |
Map<String,String> |
Add-on labels in key-value pairs. This is a reserved field and does not take effect. |
annotations |
Map<String,String> |
Add-on annotations in the format of key-value pairs.
updateTimestamp |
String |
Updated at |
creationTimestamp |
String |
Created at |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
type |
String |
Template type. The value is helm or static. |
require |
Boolean |
Whether the add-on is mandatory. |
labels |
Array of strings |
Group to which the template belongs. |
logoURL |
String |
URL of the logo image. |
readmeURL |
String |
Add-on details and usage description. |
description |
String |
Description |
versions |
Array of Versions objects |
Template version details. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
version |
String |
Add-on version. |
input |
Object |
Add-on installation parameters. |
stable |
Boolean |
Whether the add-on version is a stable release. |
translate |
Object |
Translation information used by the GUI. |
supportVersions |
Array of SupportVersions objects |
Cluster versions that support the add-on. |
creationTimestamp |
String |
Creation time. |
updateTimestamp |
String |
Update time. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
clusterType |
String |
Cluster type that supports the add-on. |
clusterVersion |
Array of strings |
Cluster versions that support the add-on. The value is a regular expression. |
category |
Array of strings |
The cluster types to which the settings are applied Options:
Default value: If this parameter is left blank, CCE standard and Turbo clusters are used by default. |
Example Requests
Example Responses
Status code: 200
{ "kind" : "Addon", "apiVersion" : "v3", "items" : [ { "kind" : "Addon", "apiVersion" : "v3", "metadata" : { "uid" : "cie-collector", "name" : "cie-collector", "alias" : "kube-prometheus-stack", "creationTimestamp" : "2024-01-26T09:06:25Z", "updateTimestamp" : "2024-01-26T09:06:26Z" }, "spec" : { "type" : "helm", "labels" : [ "CloudNativeObservability" ], "description" : "kube-prometheus-stack collects Kubernetes manifests, Prometheus rules combined with documentation and scripts to provide easy to operate end-to-end Kubernetes cluster monitoring with Prometheus using the Prometheus Operator.", "versions" : [ { "version" : "3.9.3", "input" : { "basic" : { "aom_url" : "", "region_id" : "cn-north-7", "swr_addr" : "", "swr_user" : "autopilot-official" }, "parameters" : { "autopilot-flavor1" : { "category" : [ "Autopilot" ], "deploy_mode" : "server", "description" : "Recommanded when the number of containers in the cluster does not exceed 2000.", "name" : "Autopilot-Small(<=2000 containers)", "resources" : [ { "limitsCpu" : "500m", "limitsMem" : "1Gi", "name" : "prometheusOperator" }, { "limitsCpu" : "8", "limitsMem" : "32Gi", "name" : "prometheus" }, { "limitsCpu" : "1", "limitsMem" : "2Gi", "name" : "thanosSidecar" }, { "limitsCpu" : "4", "limitsMem" : "16Gi", "name" : "thanosQuery" }, { "limitsCpu" : "4", "limitsMem" : "16Gi", "name" : "adapter" }, { "limitsCpu" : "500m", "limitsMem" : "1Gi", "name" : "kubeStateMetrics" } ] }, "autopilot-flavor2" : { "category" : [ "Autopilot" ], "deploy_mode" : "server", "description" : "Recommanded when the number of containers in the cluster does not exceed 5000.", "name" : "Autopilot-Medium(<=5000 containers)", "resources" : [ { "limitsCpu" : "500m", "limitsMem" : "1Gi", "name" : "prometheusOperator" }, { "limitsCpu" : "16", "limitsMem" : "64Gi", "name" : "prometheus" }, { "limitsCpu" : "2", "limitsMem" : "4Gi", "name" : "thanosSidecar" }, { "limitsCpu" : "8", "limitsMem" : "32Gi", "name" : "thanosQuery" }, { "limitsCpu" : "4", "limitsMem" : "32Gi", "name" : "adapter" }, { "limitsCpu" : "1", "limitsMem" : "2Gi", "name" : "kubeStateMetrics" } ] }, "autopilot-flavor4" : { "category" : [ "Autopilot" ], "deploy_mode" : "server", "description" : "Custom configuration for this addon.", "name" : "custom-resources-autopilot-server", "resources" : [ { "limitsCpu" : "500m", "limitsMem" : "1Gi", "name" : "prometheusOperator" }, { "limitsCpu" : "16", "limitsMem" : "64Gi", "name" : "prometheus" }, { "limitsCpu" : "2", "limitsMem" : "4Gi", "name" : "thanosSidecar" }, { "limitsCpu" : "8", "limitsMem" : "32Gi", "name" : "thanosQuery" }, { "limitsCpu" : "4", "limitsMem" : "32Gi", "name" : "adapter" }, { "limitsCpu" : "1", "limitsMem" : "2Gi", "name" : "kubeStateMetrics" } ] }, "autopilot-flavor5" : { "category" : [ "Autopilot" ], "deploy_mode" : "agent", "description" : "Recommanded flavor for agent mode when the number of containers in the cluster does not exceed 2000.", "is_default" : true, "name" : "Autopilot-Agent-Small(<=2000 containers)", "resources" : [ { "limitsCpu" : "1", "limitsMem" : "1Gi", "name" : "prometheusOperator", "requestsCpu" : "1", "requestsMem" : "1Gi" }, { "limitsCpu" : "1800m", "limitsMem" : "2900Mi", "name" : "prometheus", "requestsCpu" : "1800m", "requestsMem" : "2900Mi" }, { "limitsCpu" : "1", "limitsMem" : "1Gi", "name" : "kubeStateMetrics", "requestsCpu" : "1", "requestsMem" : "1Gi" }, { "limitsMem" : "500Mi", "name" : "nodeExporter", "requestsMem" : "100m" } ] }, "autopilot-flavor6" : { "category" : [ "Autopilot" ], "deploy_mode" : "agent", "description" : "Recommanded flavor for agent mode when the number of containers in the cluster does not exceed 5000.", "name" : "Autopilot-Agent-Medium(<=5000 containers)", "resources" : [ { "limitsCpu" : "500m", "limitsMem" : "1Gi", "name" : "prometheusOperator" }, { "limitsCpu" : "4", "limitsMem" : "8Gi", "name" : "prometheus" }, { "limitsCpu" : "500m", "limitsMem" : "1Gi", "name" : "kubeStateMetrics" } ] }, "autopilot-flavor8" : { "category" : [ "Autopilot" ], "deploy_mode" : "agent", "description" : "Custom flavor for agent mode", "name" : "custom-resources-autopilot-agent", "resources" : [ { "limitsCpu" : "500m", "limitsMem" : "1Gi", "name" : "prometheusOperator" }, { "limitsCpu" : "4", "limitsMem" : "8Gi", "name" : "prometheus" }, { "limitsCpu" : "500m", "limitsMem" : "1Gi", "name" : "kubeStateMetrics" } ] }, "custom" : { "aom_app_key" : "", "aom_app_secret" : "", "aom_asm_app_key" : "", "aom_asm_app_secret" : "", "aom_asm_enable" : false, "aom_asm_insecure_skip_verify" : true, "aom_asm_instance_id" : "", "aom_asm_keep_regexp" : "istio.*", "aom_asm_project_id" : "", "aom_asm_remote_write_url" : "", "aom_auth_type" : "Bearer", "aom_enable" : false, "aom_insecure_skip_verify" : true, "aom_instance_id" : "", "aom_project_id" : "", "aom_region_id" : "", "aom_remote_read_url" : "", "aom_remote_write_url" : "", "appCode" : "", "appConfig" : { "adapter" : { "nodeAffinity_key" : "", "nodeAffinity_values" : "", "tolerations_effect" : "NoSchedule", "tolerations_key" : "", "tolerations_operator" : "Exists" }, "alertmanager" : { "nodeAffinity_key" : "", "nodeAffinity_values" : "", "tolerations_effect" : "NoSchedule", "tolerations_key" : "", "tolerations_operator" : "Exists" }, "kubeEventExporter" : { "nodeAffinity_key" : "", "nodeAffinity_values" : "", "tolerations_effect" : "NoSchedule", "tolerations_key" : "", "tolerations_operator" : "Exists" }, "kubeStateMetrics" : { "nodeAffinity_key" : "", "nodeAffinity_values" : "", "tolerations_effect" : "NoSchedule", "tolerations_key" : "", "tolerations_operator" : "Exists" }, "prometheusOperator" : { "nodeAffinity_key" : "", "nodeAffinity_values" : "", "tolerations_effect" : "NoSchedule", "tolerations_key" : "", "tolerations_operator" : "Exists" }, "prometheusServer" : { "nodeAffinity_key" : "", "nodeAffinity_values" : "", "tolerations_effect" : "NoSchedule", "tolerations_key" : "", "tolerations_operator" : "Exists" }, "thanosQuery" : { "nodeAffinity_key" : "", "nodeAffinity_values" : "", "tolerations_effect" : "NoSchedule", "tolerations_key" : "", "tolerations_operator" : "Exists" } }, "basic_auth_password_third" : "", "basic_auth_username_third" : "", "bearer_token" : "", "caCert" : "", "certFile" : "", "cieInstanceId" : "", "cie_url" : "", "cluster" : "", "clusterId" : "", "cluster_category" : "CCE", "crd_install" : true, "deploy_mode" : "agent", "emptydir" : { "enabled" : false, "sizeLimit" : "10G" }, "enableGcrypto" : true, "enableRemote" : false, "enableRemoteWrite" : false, "enable_autopilot" : true, "enable_cpd" : true, "enable_custom_metrics" : true, "enable_grafana" : true, "enable_nodeAffinity" : false, "enable_tolerations" : false, "enablethird" : false, "grafana_pvc_exist" : false, "highAvailability" : false, "insecureSkipVerify" : false, "insecure_skip_verify_third" : false, "install_with_cluster" : false, "keyFile" : "", "ksm_shards" : 1, "lightweight" : true, "lightweight_sts" : true, "lightweight_sts_use_pvc" : false, "local_hpa" : false, "max_wal_time" : "30m", "min_wal_time" : "1m", "nodeAffinity_key" : "", "nodeAffinity_values" : "", "projectId" : "", "region" : "cn-north-7", "retention" : "1d", "scrapeInterval" : "15s", "scrape_insecure_skip_verify" : true, "shards" : 1, "storage_class" : "csi-disk-topology", "storage_size" : "10Gi", "storage_type" : "SAS", "subnetId" : "", "supportServerModeSharding" : false, "tolerations_effect" : "NoSchedule", "tolerations_key" : "", "tolerations_operator" : "Exists", "truncate_frequency" : "30m", "url_third" : "" } }, "scenarios" : [ { "category" : [ "Autopilot" ], "custom" : { "cluster_category" : "Autopilot", "enableGcrypto" : false, "enable_cpd" : false, "storage_class" : "csi-disk" }, "name" : "autopilot-config" } ] }, "stable" : true, "translate" : { "en_US" : { "addon" : { "changeLog" : "The Autopilot cluster is supported.", "description" : "kube-prometheus-stack collects Kubernetes manifests, Grafana dashboards, and Prometheus rules combined with documentation and scripts to provide easy to operate end-to-end Kubernetes cluster monitoring with Prometheus using the Prometheus Operator. *Attention:kube-prometheus-stack is system monitoring component, When resources are insufficient, Kubernetes preferentially ensures pod scheduling." }, "description" : { "Parameters.autopilot-flavor1.description" : "Recommanded when the number of containers in the cluster does not exceed 2000.", "" : "Small(<=2000 containers)", "Parameters.autopilot-flavor2.description" : "Recommanded when the number of containers in the cluster does not exceed 5000.", "" : "Medium(<=5000 containers)", "Parameters.autopilot-flavor3.description" : "Recommanded when the number of containers in the cluster exceeds 5000.", "" : "Large(>5000 containers)", "Parameters.autopilot-flavor4.description" : "Custom configuration for this addon.", "" : "Custom", "Parameters.autopilot-flavor5.description" : "Recommanded when the number of containers in the cluster does not exceed 2000.", "" : "Small(<=2000 containers)", "Parameters.autopilot-flavor6.description" : "Recommanded when the number of containers in the cluster does not exceed 5000.", "" : "Medium(<=5000 containers)", "Parameters.autopilot-flavor7.description" : "Recommanded when the number of containers in the cluster exceeds 5000.", "" : "Large(>5000 containers)", "Parameters.autopilot-flavor8.description" : "Custom configuration for this addon.", "" : "Custom", "Parameters.custom.deploy_mode" : "prometheus deploy mode", "Parameters.custom.highAvailability" : "high availability of prometheus and kube-event-exporter", "Parameters.custom.region" : "Availability region", "Parameters.custom.retention" : "Prometheus data retention period", "Parameters.custom.shards" : "Number of prometheus shards to distribute targets onto", "Parameters.custom.storage_size" : "Prometheus server data Persistent Volume size", "Parameters.custom.storage_type" : "Prometheus server data Persistent Volume Storage Class", "" : "Availability zone", "Parameters.flavor1.description" : "Just a demo for this addon. Recommanded when the number of containers in the cluster does not exceed 100.", "" : "Demo(<=100 containers)", "Parameters.flavor2.description" : "Recommanded when the number of containers in the cluster does not exceed 2000.", "" : "Small(<=2000 containers)", "Parameters.flavor3.description" : "Recommanded when the number of containers in the cluster does not exceed 5000.", "" : "Medium(<=5000 containers)", "Parameters.flavor4.description" : "Recommanded when the number of containers in the cluster exceeds 5000.", "" : "Large(>5000 containers)", "Parameters.flavor5.description" : "Custom configuration for this addon.", "" : "custom-resources", "Parameters.flavor6.description" : "Default configuration for this addon.", "" : "Default", "Parameters.flavor7.description" : "Custom configuration for this addon.", "" : "Custom" }, "key" : { "Parameters.custom.deploy_mode" : "prometheus deploy mode", "Parameters.custom.highAvailability" : "high availability", "Parameters.custom.region" : "availability region", "Parameters.custom.retention" : "data retention period", "Parameters.custom.storage_size" : "data Persistent Volume size", "Parameters.custom.storage_type" : "data Persistent Volume Storage Class", "" : "availability zone" } }, "zh_CN" : { "addon" : { "changeLog" : "Autopilot clusters are supported.", "description" : "kube-prometheus-stack uses Prometheus-operator and Prometheus to provide easy-to-use, end-to-end Kubernetes cluster monitoring capabilities. *Note: kube-prometheus-stack is a system monitoring add-on. When cluster resources are insufficient, Kubernetes prioritizes the scheduling of add-on pods." }, "description" : { "Parameters.autopilot-flavor1.description" : "Use this specification when the number of containers in a cluster does not exceed 2,000.", "" : "Small (≤ 2,000 containers)", "Parameters.autopilot-flavor2.description" : "Use this specification when the number of containers in a cluster does not exceed 5,000.", "" : "Medium (≤ 5,000 containers)", "Parameters.autopilot-flavor3.description" : "Use this specification when the number of containers in a cluster exceeds 5,000.", "" : "Large (> 5,000 containers)", "Parameters.autopilot-flavor4.description" : "Customize resource configurations.", "" : "Custom", "Parameters.autopilot-flavor5.description" : "Use this specification when the number of containers in a cluster does not exceed 2,000.", "" : "Small (≤ 2,000 containers)", "Parameters.autopilot-flavor6.description" : "Use this specification when the number of containers in a cluster does not exceed 5,000.", "" : "Medium (≤ 5,000 containers)", "Parameters.autopilot-flavor7.description" : "Use this specification when the number of containers in a cluster exceeds 5,000.", "" : "Large (> 5,000 containers)", "Parameters.autopilot-flavor8.description" : "Customize resource configurations.", "" : "Custom", "Parameters.custom.deploy_mode" : "Prometheus deployment mode", "Parameters.custom.highAvailability" : "Deploy the Prometheus and Kubernetes event collection and reporting services in HA mode. In this case, two available nodes are required to deploy instances with two pods.", "Parameters.custom.region" : "AZ", "Parameters.custom.retention" : "Retention period of the Prometheus monitoring data", "Parameters.custom.shards" : "Number of Prometheus service shards. Each shard is assigned a different collection target.", "Parameters.custom.storage_size" : "Persistent volume size of the Prometheus server", "Parameters.custom.storage_type" : "Persistent volume types available for storing the Prometheus data", "" : "AZ", "Parameters.flavor1.description" : "This specification is suitable for experience and function demonstration environments where Prometheus occupies few resources and has limited processing capabilities. Use this specification when the number of containers in a cluster does not exceed 100.", "" : "Demo (≤ 100 containers)", "Parameters.flavor2.description" : "Use this specification when the number of containers in a cluster does not exceed 2,000.", "" : "Small (≤ 2,000 containers)", "Parameters.flavor3.description" : "Use this specification when the number of containers in a cluster does not exceed 5,000.", "" : "Medium (≤ 5,000 containers)", "Parameters.flavor4.description" : "Use this specification when the number of containers in a cluster exceeds 5,000.", "" : "Large (> 5,000 containers)", "Parameters.flavor5.description" : "Customize resource configurations.", "" : "Custom", "Parameters.flavor6.description" : "Configure the default resource settings.", "" : "Default", "Parameters.flavor7.description" : "Customize resource configurations.", "" : "Custom" }, "key" : { "Parameters.custom.deploy_mode" : "Prometheus deployment mode", "Parameters.custom.highAvailability" : "HA", "Parameters.custom.region" : "AZ", "Parameters.custom.retention" : "Data retention period", "Parameters.custom.storage_size" : "Persistent volume size", "Parameters.custom.storage_type" : "Persistent volume type", "" : "AZ" } } }, "supportVersions" : [ { "clusterType" : "VirtualMachine", "clusterVersion" : [ "v1.(27|28).*", "v1.(27|28).*" ], "category" : [ "Autopilot" ] } ], "creationTimestamp" : "2024-01-26T09:06:25Z", "updateTimestamp" : "2024-01-26T09:06:25Z" } ] } } ] }
SDK Sample Code
The SDK sample code is as follows.
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package com.huaweicloud.sdk.test; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.auth.ICredential; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.auth.BasicCredentials; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.exception.ConnectionException; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.exception.RequestTimeoutException; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.exception.ServiceResponseException; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.cce.v3.region.CceRegion; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.cce.v3.*; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.cce.v3.model.*; public class ListAutopilotAddonTemplatesSolution { public static void main(String[] args) { // The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted during use to ensure security. // In this example, AK and SK are stored in environment variables for authentication. Before running this example, set environment variables CLOUD_SDK_AK and CLOUD_SDK_SK in the local environment String ak = System.getenv("CLOUD_SDK_AK"); String sk = System.getenv("CLOUD_SDK_SK"); ICredential auth = new BasicCredentials() .withAk(ak) .withSk(sk); CceClient client = CceClient.newBuilder() .withCredential(auth) .withRegion(CceRegion.valueOf("<YOUR REGION>")) .build(); ListAutopilotAddonTemplatesRequest request = new ListAutopilotAddonTemplatesRequest(); try { ListAutopilotAddonTemplatesResponse response = client.listAutopilotAddonTemplates(request); System.out.println(response.toString()); } catch (ConnectionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (RequestTimeoutException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ServiceResponseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println(e.getHttpStatusCode()); System.out.println(e.getRequestId()); System.out.println(e.getErrorCode()); System.out.println(e.getErrorMsg()); } } } |
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# coding: utf-8 import os from huaweicloudsdkcore.auth.credentials import BasicCredentials from huaweicloudsdkcce.v3.region.cce_region import CceRegion from huaweicloudsdkcore.exceptions import exceptions from huaweicloudsdkcce.v3 import * if __name__ == "__main__": # The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted during use to ensure security. # In this example, AK and SK are stored in environment variables for authentication. Before running this example, set environment variables CLOUD_SDK_AK and CLOUD_SDK_SK in the local environment ak = os.environ["CLOUD_SDK_AK"] sk = os.environ["CLOUD_SDK_SK"] credentials = BasicCredentials(ak, sk) client = CceClient.new_builder() \ .with_credentials(credentials) \ .with_region(CceRegion.value_of("<YOUR REGION>")) \ .build() try: request = ListAutopilotAddonTemplatesRequest() response = client.list_autopilot_addon_templates(request) print(response) except exceptions.ClientRequestException as e: print(e.status_code) print(e.request_id) print(e.error_code) print(e.error_msg) |
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package main import ( "fmt" "" cce "" "" region "" ) func main() { // The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted during use to ensure security. // In this example, AK and SK are stored in environment variables for authentication. Before running this example, set environment variables CLOUD_SDK_AK and CLOUD_SDK_SK in the local environment ak := os.Getenv("CLOUD_SDK_AK") sk := os.Getenv("CLOUD_SDK_SK") auth := basic.NewCredentialsBuilder(). WithAk(ak). WithSk(sk). Build() client := cce.NewCceClient( cce.CceClientBuilder(). WithRegion(region.ValueOf("<YOUR REGION>")). WithCredential(auth). Build()) request := &model.ListAutopilotAddonTemplatesRequest{} response, err := client.ListAutopilotAddonTemplates(request) if err == nil { fmt.Printf("%+v\n", response) } else { fmt.Println(err) } } |
For SDK sample code of more programming languages, see the Sample Code tab in API Explorer. SDK sample code can be automatically generated.
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package com.huaweicloud.sdk.test; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.auth.ICredential; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.auth.BasicCredentials; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.exception.ConnectionException; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.exception.RequestTimeoutException; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.exception.ServiceResponseException; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.cce.v3.region.CceRegion; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.cce.v3.*; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.cce.v3.model.*; public class ListAutopilotAddonTemplatesSolution { public static void main(String[] args) { // The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted during use to ensure security. // In this example, AK and SK are stored in environment variables for authentication. Before running this example, set environment variables CLOUD_SDK_AK and CLOUD_SDK_SK in the local environment String ak = System.getenv("CLOUD_SDK_AK"); String sk = System.getenv("CLOUD_SDK_SK"); ICredential auth = new BasicCredentials() .withAk(ak) .withSk(sk); CceClient client = CceClient.newBuilder() .withCredential(auth) .withRegion(CceRegion.valueOf("<YOUR REGION>")) .build(); ListAutopilotAddonTemplatesRequest request = new ListAutopilotAddonTemplatesRequest(); try { ListAutopilotAddonTemplatesResponse response = client.listAutopilotAddonTemplates(request); System.out.println(response.toString()); } catch (ConnectionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (RequestTimeoutException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ServiceResponseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println(e.getHttpStatusCode()); System.out.println(e.getRequestId()); System.out.println(e.getErrorCode()); System.out.println(e.getErrorMsg()); } } } |
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# coding: utf-8 import os from huaweicloudsdkcore.auth.credentials import BasicCredentials from huaweicloudsdkcce.v3.region.cce_region import CceRegion from huaweicloudsdkcore.exceptions import exceptions from huaweicloudsdkcce.v3 import * if __name__ == "__main__": # The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted during use to ensure security. # In this example, AK and SK are stored in environment variables for authentication. Before running this example, set environment variables CLOUD_SDK_AK and CLOUD_SDK_SK in the local environment ak = os.environ["CLOUD_SDK_AK"] sk = os.environ["CLOUD_SDK_SK"] credentials = BasicCredentials(ak, sk) client = CceClient.new_builder() \ .with_credentials(credentials) \ .with_region(CceRegion.value_of("<YOUR REGION>")) \ .build() try: request = ListAutopilotAddonTemplatesRequest() response = client.list_autopilot_addon_templates(request) print(response) except exceptions.ClientRequestException as e: print(e.status_code) print(e.request_id) print(e.error_code) print(e.error_msg) |
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package main import ( "fmt" "" cce "" "" region "" ) func main() { // The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted during use to ensure security. // In this example, AK and SK are stored in environment variables for authentication. Before running this example, set environment variables CLOUD_SDK_AK and CLOUD_SDK_SK in the local environment ak := os.Getenv("CLOUD_SDK_AK") sk := os.Getenv("CLOUD_SDK_SK") auth := basic.NewCredentialsBuilder(). WithAk(ak). WithSk(sk). Build() client := cce.NewCceClient( cce.CceClientBuilder(). WithRegion(region.ValueOf("<YOUR REGION>")). WithCredential(auth). Build()) request := &model.ListAutopilotAddonTemplatesRequest{} response, err := client.ListAutopilotAddonTemplates(request) if err == nil { fmt.Printf("%+v\n", response) } else { fmt.Println(err) } } |
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Status Codes
Status Code |
Description |
200 |
OK |
Error Codes
See Error Codes.
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