Updated on 2022-01-25 GMT+08:00

VPCEP and Other Services

Table 1 shows the relationship between VPCEP and other cloud services.

Table 1 Relationships with other services

Interactive Function



Creating VPC endpoint services for resources in your VPC


Connecting an IDC to your VPC using a VPN connection and connecting your VPC to a cloud service through VPCEP


Configuring a VPC Endpoint for Accessing OBS Using the OBS Private Address

Connecting an IDC to your VPC using a direct connection and connecting your VPC to a cloud service through VPCEP

Direct Connect

When an enterprise needs to provide VPCEP for multiple users, the enterprise administrator can use IAM to create users and control access of these domains to enterprise resources.



Configured as a gateway VPC endpoint service by default. You can create a VPC endpoint to access the VPC endpoint service.


Creating a VPC Endpoint

Configured as an interface VPC endpoint service by default. You can create VPC endpoints to access these endpoint services.


Creating a VPC Endpoint

Configuring a private service as a VPC endpoint service. You can create a VPC endpoint to access the VPC endpoint service.

Load balancer

Creating a VPC Endpoint Service