Updated on 2022-02-22 GMT+08:00

File System Management

Viewing a File System

You can search for file systems by file system name keyword or file system status, and view their basic information.


  1. Log in to SFS Console.
  2. In the file system list, view all file systems. Table 1 describes the parameters of each file system.

    Table 1 Parameter description




    Name of the file system, for example, sfs-name-001


    The value can be Available, Unavailable, Frozen, Creating, Deleting.


    File system type.

    Protocol Type

    The NFS protocol is supported.

    Used Capacity (GB)

    Used space of the file system for storing data


    The space information is refreshed every 15 minutes.

    Maximum Capacity (GB)

    Maximum capacity of the file system

    Mount Address

    File system mount point. The format is File system IP address:/.


    Valid operations include capacity expansion, monitoring indicator viewing, and deletion.

  3. (Optional) Search for and view file systems by file system name keyword or file system status.

Deleting a File System

After a file system is deleted, data in it cannot be restored. To prevent data loss, before deleting a file system, ensure that files in it have been backed up locally.


You have unmounted the file system to be deleted. For details about how to unmount the file system, see .


  1. In the file system list, click Delete in the row of the file system you want to delete.
  2. In the displayed dialog box, confirm the information, and then click Yes.

    Only Available and Unavailable file systems can be deleted.

    Figure 1 Deleting a file system

  3. Check the file system list to confirm that the file system is deleted successfully.