Updated on 2023-10-31 GMT+08:00

Buying a Value-Add Pack

In addition to the professional edition, SecMaster also provides value-added features for you to choose.

Limitations and Constraints

  • The value-added package is an additional payment item for the professional edition. To use the value-added package, you need to purchase the professional edition first.

Purchasing a Pay-per-Use Value-added Package

  1. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Purchased Resources. On the page that is displayed, click Buy Value-added Package in the upper right corner. The Buy Value-added Package page is displayed.
  2. On the Buy Value-added Package page, configure required parameters.

    1. Select a billing mode, region, and project.
      • Billing mode: Select Pay-per-use.
      • Region: Select a region.
    2. Configuration: configuration information of the purchased SecMaster version
    3. Select functions based on your requirements.
      Figure 1 Purchasing a value-added package
      Table 1 Purchasing a value-added package


      Buy Now

      Do Not Buy

      Large Screen

      Toggle on the button next to Large Screen to buy the large screen function.

      Retain the toggle-off status ().


      Select Buy-Now next to ISAP.

      Select Do-not-Buy.


      Select Buy-Now after to SOC.

      Select Do-not-Buy.

  3. Confirm the product details and click Next.
  4. After confirming that the order details are correct, read the SecMaster Disclaimer, select I have read and agree to the SecMaster Disclaimer, and click Pay Now.
  5. On the payment page, select a payment method and complete the payment.