Updated on 2022-12-05 GMT+08:00

Subscribing to Device Notifications


ROMA Connect provides the device change notification function. When the status of a subscribed device changes, for example, the device goes online, goes offline, or is deleted, ROMA Connect sends a message to the corresponding message integration topic to obtain the latest device status in real time.


A topic is available for receiving messages, and the topic is in the same application as a device. Otherwise, create a topic first.


  1. Log in to the ROMA Connect console. On the Instances page, click View Console next to a specific instance.
  2. In the navigation tree on the left, choose LINK > Subscription Management.
  3. On the Subscription Management page, select the integration application to which the topic that needs to receive notifications belongs.
  4. Under the notification type to be subscribed to, select a topic to receive notifications and enable the notification function.
    • After a notification function is enabled or disabled, it takes a maximum of 30 seconds to take effect.
    • A notification is triggered when any of the following operations is performed:
      • The device type is changed. For example, a change from a common device to a subdevice.
      • The device name is changed.
      • The device status is changed.
      • The device description is changed.
    • For details about the notification message example, see Appendix: Packets of Subscribed Notification Messages.