Updated on 2022-02-22 GMT+08:00

Deleting a Resource Pool


This section describes how to delete an existing resource pool on FusionInsight Manager.


  • Any queue in the cluster cannot use the resource pool to be deleted as its default resource pool; therefore, cancel the default resource pool before deleting a resource pool. For details, see Configuring a Queue.
  • Additionally, any queue in the cluster is not allowed to configure the resource distribution policy in the resource pool to be deleted; therefore, clear the policy before deleting a resource pool. For details, see Clearing Queue Configurations.


  1. Log in to FusionInsight Manager.
  2. Choose Tenant Resources > Resource Pool.
  3. Locate the row that contains the specified resource pool in the resource pool list, and click Delete in the Operation column.
  4. In the window that is displayed, click OK.