Updated on 2022-12-08 GMT+08:00

Add a Resource Pool


This section describes how to logically divide Yarn cluster nodes to combine multiple NodeManagers into a Yarn resource pool. Each NodeManager belongs to one resource pool only. You can create a customized resource pool on FusionInsight Manager and add hosts that are not added to other customized resource pools to the newly created resource pool.

The system contains a default resource pool by default. All NodeManagers that are not added to customized resource pools belong to this resource pool.


  1. Log in to FusionInsight Manager.
  2. Choose Tenant Resources > Resource Pool.
  3. Click Add Resource Pool.
  4. In Add Resource Pool, set the properties of the resource pool.

    • Cluster: Select the name of the cluster to which the resource pool is to be added.
    • Name: Enter the name of the resource pool. The resource pool name consists of 1 to 50 characters, including digits, letters, or underscores (_), but cannot start with an underscore (_).
    • Resource Label: Resource label of the resource pool, including letters, digists, underscores (_) or hyphens(-). The value contains 1 to 50 characters and must start with a digit or letter.
    • Resource: In the host list on the left, select the name of a specified host and click to add the selected host to the resource pool. Only hosts in the current cluster can be selected. The host list of a resource pool can be left blank.

      You can select the Resource based on the host name, CPU, memory, operating system and platform type.

  5. Click OK to save the settings.

    After the resource pool is created, you can view the name, type, and members of the resource pool in the resource pool list. Hosts that are added to the customized resource pool are no longer members of the default resource pool.