Updated on 2022-02-22 GMT+08:00


Click Hosts > Resource Overview > Distribution, Figure 1 shows the interface for monitoring the cluster resource distribution. By default, the monitoring data of the latest one hour is displayed. You can click to customize a time range. The default time ranges are 1 hour, 2 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, 1 week, and 1 month.

Figure 1 Resource distribution overview
  • Click Select Metric to customize the metrics to be viewed. Table 1 shows all the metrics. After selecting a metric, the distribution of hosts in the corresponding range is displayed.
  • When you move the cursor to a color block, the number of hosts in the current CPU usage range is displayed, as shown in Figure 1. Click a column to display the hosts in the current range.
    • When you click the host name of a specified host, the page showing the host detailed information is displayed.
    • When you click View Trends of a specified host, the page showing the maximum, average, and minimum cluster values, and host values of the current metric are displayed. You cannot view the trends when the metric of the current cluster is Host CPU-Memory-Disk Usage.
  • Click Export Data to export the metric maximum, minimum, and average values of all nodes in the current cluster in the selected time range.
    Table 1 Metrics




    • Number of Running Processes
    • Total Number of Processes
    • Total Number of omm Processes
    • Uninterruptible Sleep Process

    Network Status

    • Host Network Packet Collisions
    • Number of LAST_ACK States
    • Number of CLOSING States
    • Number of LISTENING States
    • Number of CLOSED States
    • Number of ESTABLISHED States
    • Number of SYN_RECV States
    • Number of TIME_WAITING States
    • Number of FIN_WAIT2 States
    • Number of FIN_WAIT1 States
    • Number of CLOSE_WAIT States
    • DNS Name Resolution Duration
    • TCP Ephemeral Port Usage
    • Host Network Packet Frame Errors

    Network Reading

    • Host Network Read Packets
    • Host Network Read Dropped Packets
    • Host Network Read Error Packets
    • Host Network Rx Speed


    • Host Disk Write Speed
    • Host Used Disk
    • Host Free Disk
    • Host Disk Read Speed
    • Host Disk Usage


    • Free Memory
    • Cache Memory Size
    • Total Kernel Cache Memory Size
    • Shared Memory Size
    • Host Memory Usage
    • Used Memory

    Network Writing

    • Host Network Write Packets
    • Host Network Write Error Packets
    • Host Network Tx Speed
    • Host Network Write Dropped Packets


    • CPU Usage of Processes Whose Priorities Have Been Changed
    • CPU Usage of User Space Processes
    • CPU Usage of Kernel Space Processes
    • Host CPU Usage
    • CPU Total Time
    • CPU Idle Time

    Host Status

    • Host File Handle Usage
    • Average OS Load in 1 Minute
    • Average OS Load in 5 Minutes
    • Average OS Load in 15 Minutes
    • Host PID Usage