Updated on 2023-05-06 GMT+08:00


This section describes the restrictions on using DMS for RocketMQ.

Table 1 DMS for RocketMQ restrictions


Default Limit


Maximum number of topics

Depends on the instance specifications. This limit cannot be changed.

When this limit is reached, no more topics can be created.

Maximum number of consumer groups

Depends on the instance specifications. This limit cannot be changed.

When this limit is reached, no more consumer groups can be created.

Message size

The maximum size of a message is 4 MB. The maximum size of a message attribute is 16 KB. The message size cannot be changed.

When this limit is reached, the message fails to be sent.

Message retention duration

Two days. This limit cannot be changed.

Messages can be retained for a maximum of two days and will be automatically deleted after two days.

Consumer offset reset

Two days. This limit cannot be changed.

You can reset the retrieval start position to any time within two days.

Delay of scheduled messages

The maximum delay is one year. This limit cannot be changed.

You can schedule messages to be delivered at any time within one year.