Updated on 2023-03-09 GMT+08:00


This section describes parameters of a globe component.

Figure 1 Globe


  • Size/Position
    • Size: width and height of the component. Unit: pixel.
    • Position: position where the component is located in the canvas. Unit: pixel.
  • Add Subcomponent

    The subcomponents of the component include the flying line and heatmap point.

    • Flying Lines

      Two geographic locations on the map can be connected by dynamic flying lines. The following describes how to configure the pattern and data of flying lines.

      1. Click Add Subcomponent to add flying lines.
        Figure 2 Adding flying lines
      2. Click Flying line. The page for configuring flying lines is displayed.

        On the Pattern tab page, set the height, speed, width, and color of the flying lines.

        Figure 3 Configuring flying line pattern of the component

        On the Data tab page, set the longitudes and latitudes of the start and end points of flying lines.

        • Field and Mapping: from specifies the start point of the flying line, and to specifies the end point of the flying line.
        • Automatic Update: If you select Automatic Update and set Update Interval, the dynamic data is automatically updated based on the interval.
    • Heatmap point
      Geographical locations on the map can be marked using heatmap points. The following describes how to configure the pattern and data of the heatmap points.
      1. Click Add Subcomponent to add heatmap points
        Figure 4 Configuring the heatmap points of the component
      2. Click Heatmap point to enter the configuration page.

        On the Pattern tab page, configure the height and color of the heatmap points.

        Figure 5 Configuring heatmap point style of the component

        On the Data tab page, configure the latitudes, longitudes, and size of the heatmap points.

        • Field and Mapping: lon specifies the longitude of the heatmap point. lat specifies the latitude of the heatmap point. value specifies the value of the heatmap point. Type specifies the type of the heatmap point.
        • Automatic Update: If you select Automatic Update and set Update Interval, the dynamic data is automatically updated based on the interval.
  • Global Style
    • Camera: to set the X axis, Y axis, and Z axis of the camera by dragging .
    • Auto-Rotation Speed: to set the auto-rotation speed of the component by dragging .
    Figure 6 Global style of the component
  • Flying Line
    • Flying Line: to show or hide flying lines by clicking or .
    • Height: to set the height of the flying line by entering a value or dragging .
    • Speed: to set the speed of the flying line by entering a value or dragging .
    • Width: to set the width of the flying line by entering a value or dragging .
    • Color: to set the flying line color by clicking the color editor.
    Figure 7 Flying lines of the component


  • Data Source Type: to select the data source of the chart. Multiple data sources are provided for you to select. You need to add data sources first. For details, see Data Connection Overview.
  • Converter: Select a converter to convert data into the data that meets the display requirements. For details, see Using a Converter.
  • from: the start position of the flying line.
  • to: the end position of the flying line.


For details about whether the component supports the interaction function and how to use the interaction function, see Configuring Component Interaction.