Updated on 2022-02-22 GMT+08:00

Horizontal Bi-Directional Bar Chart

This section describes parameters of a horizontal bi-directional bar chart.

Figure 1 Horizontal bi-directional bar chart


  • Size/Position
    • Size: width and height of the component. Unit: pixel.
    • Position: position where the component is located in the canvas. Unit: pixel.
  • Global Style

    Font: text font.

  • Column Style
    • Column Width: width of the column.
    • Column Angle: round-corner angle of the column.
    • Series Spacing: distance between series.
    Figure 2 Column style of a horizontal bi-directional bar chart
  • Value Tag
    • Value Tag: to show or hide the value tag by clicking or .
    • Font Size: font size of the value tag.
    • Font Width: font width of the value tag.
    Figure 3 Value tags of a horizontal bi-directional bar chart
  • X Axis
    • X Axis: to show or hide the X axis by clicking or .
    • Text: text style of the X axis, including Font Size, Color, Font Width, and Angle.
    • Axis Label: to set the maximum value, minimum value, and scales of the X axis.
    • Axis Unit: to set the unit and font color of the X axis.
    • Coordinate Axis: color of the X axis.
    • Scale: to show or hide the scales by clicking or .
    • Grid Line: grid line color of the X axis.
    Figure 4 X axis of a horizontal bi-directional bar chart
  • Y Axis
    • Y Axis: to show or hide the Y axis by clicking or .
    • Text: text style of the Y axis, including Font Size, Color, Font Width, and Angle.
    • Coordinate Axis: color of the Y axis.
    • Grid Line: grid line color of the Y axis.
    Figure 5 Y axis of a horizontal bi-directional bar chart
  • Legend
    • Legend: to show or hide the legend by clicking or .
    • Text: text style of the legend, including Font Size, Color, and Font Width.
    • Layout: layout style of the legend, including Left/Right Spacing, Top/Bottom Spacing, and Position.
    Figure 6 Legends of a horizontal bi-directional bar chart
  • Message
    • Message: If you click , a message will pop up when you hover over a previewed or published component.
    • Triggering Mode: to set the triggering mode of messages. The options are Coordinate Axis and Data.
    • Color: font color of the message.
    • Font Size: font size of the message.
    • Font Width: font width of the message.
  • Animation
    • Click or next to Animation to hide or show animation, respectively.
    • Duration: duration of the first rendering of the component, in ms.
    • Animation Effect: The system provides multiple common animation slow-moving effects.
    • Animate in Order: If this option is selected, the series are animated in sequence. If this option is deselected, all series are animated at the same time.
    • Duration After Change: animation duration when the component data is updated, in ms.
    • Start from Previous Position: If this option is selected, the animation is played from the position of the previous data when the component data is updated. If this option is deselected, the animation is played from the initial position when the component data is updated.
    Figure 7 Animation (line chart)


For details about how to configure component data, see Configuring Component Data.


For details about whether the component supports the interaction function and how to use the interaction function, see Configuring Component Interaction.