Updated on 2022-02-22 GMT+08:00

Rose Chart

This section describes parameters of a rose chart.


  • Size/Position
    • Size: width and height of the component. Unit: pixel.
    • Position: position where the component is located in the canvas. Unit: pixel.
    Figure 1 Size and position of a rose chart
  • Global Style
    • Font: text font.
    • Display: The options are Radius and Area.
      • Radius: The data value is in direct proportion to the radius of each fan.
      • Radius and Center Angle: The data size is displayed by area.
  • Label Attribute
    • Label Attribute: to show or hide label attributes, click or .
    • Horizontal: horizontal stretch length of the leader line.
    • Radiating: radiating stretch length of the leader line.
    • Font Size: font size of the label value.
    • Color: font color of the label value.
    • Font Width: font width of the label value.
    • Percentage Display: whether to display percentage. To display the label value in percentage, click ; to display the label value in data, click .
  • Pie Attribute
    • Inner Radius: to set the inner radius of the pie chart by entering a value or dragging .
    • Outer Radius: to set the outer radius of the pie chart by entering a value or dragging .
    • Horizontal Moving: to set the horizontal position of the pie chart center by entering a value or dragging .
    • Vertical Moving: to set the vertical position of the pie chart center by entering a value or dragging .
  • Legend
    • Legend: to show or hide the legend by clicking or .
    • Font Size: font size of the legend text.
    • Color: font color of the legend text.
    • Font Width: font width of the label text.
    • Left/Right Spacing: to set the spacing between legends by entering a value or clicking .
    • Top/Bottom Spacing: to set the spacing between the legend and the bottom edge of the component by entering a value or clicking .
    • Position: position of the legend.
  • Message
    • Message: If you click , a message will pop up when you hover over a previewed or published component.
    • Data Name: If you click , data names will be displayed when you hover over a previewed or published component.
    • Color: font color of the message.
    • Font Size: font size of the message.
    • Font Width: font width of the message.
  • Visual Mapping
    • Visual Mapping: to show or hide virtual mapping by clicking or .
    • Min. Value: to set the minimum value of visual mapping by clicking .
    • Max. Value: to set the maximum value of visual mapping by clicking .
    • Mapping Type: type of the mapping. The options are Segment-based and Continuous.
    • Direction: direction of the mapping. The options are Horizontal and Vertical.
    • Width: to set the width of the mapping by entering a value or dragging .
    • Height: to set the height of the mapping by entering a value or dragging .
    • Left: to set the distance between the mapping and the left side of the component by entering a value or dragging .
    • Bottom: to set the distance between the mapping and the bottom of the component by entering a value or dragging .
    • Text: color and font size of the mapping text.
    Figure 2 Visual mapping of a rose chart


For details about how to configure component data, see Configuring Component Data.


For details about whether the component supports the interaction function and how to use the interaction function, see Configuring Component Interaction.