Updated on 2023-03-09 GMT+08:00

Uploading Custom Components

You can use the developer tool provided by DLV to customize components. After custom components are uploaded to the component package and approved by the technical personnel, you can use them on DLV.

Creating a Component Package

  1. Log in to the DLV console. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Control Center > Components.

    Figure 1 Components

  2. On the Components page, click New Component Package.
  3. In the New Component Package dialog box, configure the following parameters and click OK.

    • Package Name: The package name defines the component namespace in the component package and cannot be modified after being created. A package name must start with letters. It can contain only letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-), and cannot exceed 32 characters.
    • Display Name: display name of a component package in the component list. You can change the name at any time. A display name can contain only letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-), and cannot exceed 32 characters.
    • Cover: Click to upload a component package cover. The size of the cover cannot exceed 1 MB. Only the PNG, JPEG, JPG, and BMP formats are supported.
    • Description: description of a component package. The value contains a maximum of 200 characters.
    Figure 2 Creating a component package

Customizing a Component

  1. Log in to the DLV console. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Control Center > Components.

    Figure 3 Components

  2. On the Components page, click Download Developer Tool in the upper right corner to download the developer tool.
  3. Use the developer tool to customize components based on the specifications. For details, see the Data Lake Visualization Developer Guide.

Uploading a Component

  1. Log in to the DLV console. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Control Center > Components.
  2. Locate the component package for which you want to upload a component and move the pointer over the component package. Operation buttons are displayed over the component package. Click to upload the component.

    Figure 4 Component package

  3. In the displayed dialog box, complete the following configurations. Click OK.

    • Component: Click Upload Component to upload a custom component.
    • Thumbnail: Click to upload a component thumbnail. The size of the thumbnail cannot exceed 1 MB. Only the PNG, JPEG, JPG, and BMP formats are supported.
    Figure 5 Uploading a component

  4. After the component is uploaded, wait for the technical personnel for review.

    DLV technical personnel will process your application as soon as possible.

  5. After the application is approved, go to the screen editing page. The uploaded custom component is displayed in the custom component list. You can use the custom component during screen development.

    Figure 6 Customizing a component

Editing a Component Package

On the Components page of the DLV console, locate the component package to be edited. Move the pointer over the component package. Operation buttons of the component package are displayed.

Figure 7 Managing a component
  • : edits and modifies the information of a component package.
  • : uploads a component.
  • : views a component package. The component list of a component package is displayed on the right of the page, including the component thumbnail, package name, display name, version, status, creation time, and update time.
    Figure 8 Viewing a component package