Updated on 2022-12-08 GMT+08:00

Viewing Metrics


The DDM console supports monitoring and management of DDM instances, including the read/write ratio and slow SQL logs. You can optimize databases based on the monitoring results.

  • Slow SQL refers to SQL statements that take a long time to run on your database. Statistical analysis of SQL helps you locate performance bottlenecks of your database.
  • The read/write ratio is the proportion of read requests to read and write requests on a logical table.


  • You have logged in to the DDM console.
  • There is a DDM instance available, which has available schemas.


  1. In the instance list, locate the DDM instance whose metrics you want to view and click its name.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Monitoring Management.
  3. Select Slow SQL Log and Read/Write Ratio tabs to view monitoring details as follows:

    • Slow SQL logs

      Specify a time range to filter logs. After you locate the required log, view the account, schema, SQL statement, execution start time, execution duration, shard, and affected lines.

      Figure 1 Slow SQL log information
      Table 1 Parameter description




      DDM account used for executing SQL statements


      Name of the schema

      SQL Statement

      SQL statements that take a long time to run on a DDM instance


      Time when the first slow SQL statement is executed within the specified period of time

      Execution Time (ms)

      Unit of milliseconds


      All shards involved in the SQL execution

      Affected Lines

      Lines involved in SQL execution

    • Read/Write ratio

      Specify a time range to filter read/write ratio information. Obtain the reads, writes, and the last execution time.

      Figure 2 Read/Write ratio information
      Table 2 Parameter description




      Number of read operations on a logical table. You can specify a period of time for querying and collecting reads.


      Number of write operations on a logical table. You can specify a period of time for querying and collecting reads.


      Time when the last SQL statement is executed within the specified period of time

  4. Click View Metric in the upper right corner.

    Figure 3 View Metric

  5. On the Cloud Eye console, view monitoring metrics of the DDM instance.

    1. In the navigation pane, choose Cloud Service Monitoring > Distributed Database Middleware.
    2. In the instance list, locate the target DDM instance, click to view instance details, and click View Metric in the Operation column.
    3. On the displayed page, select the required monitoring period to view metric information.