Updated on 2023-10-11 GMT+08:00

Contract Repository

A contract template is a smart contract that can implement certain functions. You can directly use the code provided by the templates or use the templates as a foundation for developing your own smart contracts.

In the Contract Management module on the console, you can view contract templates for various industries, download the ones you need, and manage your contract templates.

Downloading a Contract Template

  1. Log in to the BCS console.
  2. Click Contract Repository in the navigation pane on the left.
  3. On the Contract Repository tab page, view contract templates for different industries, such as finance, healthcare, energy, and aviation.

  4. Click the template name to view details about a contract template, including the version, supported language, category, and interfaces.

    Figure 1 Viewing contract details

  5. Click to download a contract template.

    You can use the downloaded template files to install and instantiate chaincodes. For details, see Chaincode Management.