Help Center/ Blockchain Service/ User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)/ FAQs/ BCS FAQs/ Instance Management/ Other Issues/ What Can I Do If the Block Height Is Inconsistent Between Peers Due to Gossip Exceptions?
Updated on 2023-03-02 GMT+08:00

What Can I Do If the Block Height Is Inconsistent Between Peers Due to Gossip Exceptions?

  1. Run the following command to check the block height of the peer and then compare it with that of other peers. If there is a difference, block retrieving may have stopped or delayed.

    peer channel getinfo –c {Channel Name}

  2. Restart the peer and obtain the blocks again. If the fault persists, proceed to steps 3 to 5.
  3. Go to the peer container. In the /etc/hyperledger/fabric/ directory, configure the following parameters in the core.yaml file to synchronize blocks from the orderer to the peer:
    useLeaderElection: false
    orgLeader: true
  4. Run the following command to query the process ID of peer node start:

    ps –ef

  5. Run the following command to restart the peer process:

    kill -9 {pid}