Updated on 2022-06-01 GMT+08:00


The O&M page provides a full-link, multi-layer, and one-stop O&M page for resources, applications, and user experience. It displays the following cards: infrastructure monitoring, information statistics, component monitoring (CPU and memory), host monitoring (disk), cluster monitoring (CPU and memory), application monitoring, host monitoring (CPU and memory), container instance monitoring (CPU and memory), host monitoring (network), and cluster monitoring (disk).

Infrastructure Monitoring

Figure 1 Infrastructure monitoring

This card mainly displays infrastructure metrics. You can select one cluster to view its information. When you select the roma-aom2 cluster, the following information is displayed:

  • Host running status, CPU usage, and physical memory usage.
  • Trend graph of network traffic data in the last hour. The values of each point in the graph respectively indicate the total downlink and uplink traffic of all clusters in one minute. The values above the graph respectively indicate the total downlink and uplink traffic of the cluster at the latest time point.
  • Trend graph of CPU and memory usage in the last hour. The values of each point in the graph respectively indicate the average CPU and memory usage of the cluster in one minute. The values above the graph respectively indicate the average CPU and memory usage of the cluster at the latest time point.

Application Monitoring

Figure 2 Application monitoring

This card mainly displays application metrics:

  1. Running status of applications, components, containers, and instances.
  2. The following information is displayed when you select an application:
    • Trend graph of network traffic data in the last hour. The values of each point in the graph respectively indicate the receive rate (BPS) and send rate (BPS) of the selected application in one minute. The values above the graph respectively indicate the receive rate (BPS) and send rate (BPS) of the selected application at the latest time point.
    • Trend graph of CPU and memory usage in the last hour. The values of each point in the graph respectively indicate the CPU and memory usage of the selected application in one minute. The values above the graph respectively indicate the CPU and memory usage of the selected application at the latest time point.

Information Statistics

Figure 3 Information statistics

This card mainly displays alarms, alarm rules, and trends of alarms and hosts.

Host Monitoring (Disk)

Figure 4 Host monitoring (disk)

This card mainly displays:

  • The top 5 hosts with high disk read/write rate in the last minute.
  • Trend graph of the disk read/write rate of the selected host in the last hour. The values of each point in the graph respectively indicate the average disk read/write rate of the selected host in one minute.
  • Disk read/write rate of the selected host at the latest time point, which is displayed above the trend graph.

Cluster Monitoring (CPU and Memory)

Figure 5 Cluster monitoring (CPU and memory)

This card mainly displays:

  • The top 5 clusters with high CPU and memory usage in the last minute.
  • Trend graph of the CPU and memory usage of the selected cluster in the last hour. The values of each point in the graph respectively indicate the average CPU and memory usage of the cluster in one minute.
  • CPU and memory usage of the selected cluster at the latest time point, which is displayed above the trend graph.

Host Monitoring (CPU and Memory)

Figure 6 Host monitoring (CPU and memory)

This card mainly displays:

  • The top 5 hosts with high CPU and memory usage in the last minute.
  • Trend graph of the CPU and memory usage of the selected host in the last hour. The values of each point in the graph respectively indicate the average CPU and memory usage of the host in one minute.
  • CPU and memory usage of the selected host at the latest time point, which is displayed above the trend graph.

Container Instance Monitoring (CPU and Memory)

This card mainly displays:

  • The top 5 container instances with high CPU and memory usage in the last minute.
  • Trend graph of the CPU and memory usage of the selected container instance in the last hour. The values of each point in the graph respectively indicate the average CPU and memory usage of the container instance in one minute.
  • CPU and memory usage of the selected container instance at the latest time point, which is displayed above the trend graph.
  • option, which can be selected as required.

Host Monitoring (Network)

Figure 7 Host monitoring (network)

This card mainly displays:

  • The top 5 hosts with high uplink/downlink network traffic in the last minute.
  • Trend graph of the uplink/downlink network traffic of the selected host in the last hour. The values of each point in the graph respectively indicate the average uplink/downlink network traffic of the selected host in one minute.
  • Uplink/downlink network traffic of the selected host at the latest time point, which is displayed above the trend graph.

Cluster Monitoring (Disk)

Figure 8 Cluster monitoring (disk)

This card mainly displays:

  • The top 5 clusters with high disk usage in the last minute.
  • Trend graph of the disk usage of the selected cluster in the last hour. The value of each point in the graph indicates the average disk usage of the cluster in one minute.
  • Disk usage of the selected cluster at the latest time point, which is displayed above the trend graph.

More Operations

You can also perform the operations described in Table 1.

Table 1 Related operations



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Enlarging a graph

Click in the upper right corner of the metric graph.

Drilling down blue texts

Click the blue texts, such as Host, Application, or Component to drill down to the details page.