Updated on 2022-06-01 GMT+08:00

Upgrading the ICAgent

To ensure better collection experience, AOM will continuously upgrade ICAgent versions. When the system displays a message indicating that a new ICAgent version is available, perform the following operations:

If the ICAgent has a critical bug, the system will upgrade the ICAgent version.

  1. In the navigation pane, choose Configuration Management > Agent Management.
  2. Select Cluster: XXX or Other: user-defined nodes from the drop-down list on the right of the page.
  3. Upgrade the ICAgent. If you select Cluster: xxx in 2, directly click Upgrade ICAgent. In this way, the ICAgent on all hosts in the cluster can be upgraded at a time. If you select Other: user-defined nodes in 2, select a desired host and then click Upgrade ICAgent.
  4. Wait for about 1 minute to complete the upgrade. When the ICAgent status changes from Updating to Running, the ICAgent is successfully upgraded.

    If the upgrade fails, log in to the node and run the installation command to reinstall the ICAgent. The overwrite installation is supported. Therefore, you can reinstall the ICAgent without uninstallation.