Updated on 2024-09-06 GMT+08:00

Collecting Data


This section describes how to collect data.

Step 1: Buy an ECS

For details, see Purchasing an ECS.

  • Currently, the data collection agent can run only on Linux ECSs on x86_64 architecture. ECSs support the following OSs: Huawei Cloud EulerOS 2.5, Huawei Cloud EulerOS 2.9, EulerOS 2.5, EulerOS 2.9, and CentOS 7.9.
    Note that you need to select the proper OSs and versions when you buying an ECS.
    Figure 1 Selecting an OS version
  • ECSs are billed. For details about ECS pricing, see Billing Overview.

    If you do not need to collect log data later, you need to manually release the ECSs used. For details, see How Do I Release an ECS or VPC Endpoint?

Step 2: Install an Agent

  1. Pre-check before installing an agent.
    1. Run the ps -ef | grep salt command to check whether the salt-minion process exists on the host.
      • If yes, stop it first.
      • If no, go to 1.b.
        Figure 2 Checking processes
    2. Run the df -h command to check whether there are at least 50 GB of disk space reserved for the root directory disk or opt disk, two CPU cores, and 4 GB of memory.
      Figure 3 Disks

      If the memory is insufficient, stop some applications with high memory usage or expand the memory capacity before the installation. For details about capacity expansion, see Modifying ECS Specifications.

  2. Log in to the management console.
  3. Click in the upper left corner of the page and choose Security & Compliance > SecMaster.
  4. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Workspaces > Management. In the workspace list, click the name of the target workspace.
    Figure 4 Workspace management page
  5. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Settings > Components.
    Figure 5 Accessing the node management page
  6. On the Node Management tab page, click Create.
  7. On the Create Node page, set parameters.
    Figure 6 Create Node
    1. In the Network Channel Configuration area, select the VPC and subnet the network channel belongs to.
    2. In the network channel list, locate the row that contains the target channel and click Config in the Operation column. In the displayed confirmation dialog box, click OK.

    VPC endpoints you use for log collection are billed. For details about pricing, see Billing Overview.

    If you do not need to collect log data later, you need to manually release the VPC endpoints used. For details, see How Do I Release an ECS or VPC Endpoint?

  8. Click Next in the lower right corner of the page. On the page for verifying the script installation, click to copy the command for installing the Agent.
  9. Remotely log in to the ECS where you want to install the agent.
    • Huawei Cloud servers
      • Log in to the ECS console, locate the target server, and click Remote Login in the Operation column to log in to the server. For details, see Login Using VNC.
      • If your server has an EIP bound, you can also use a remote management tool, such as PuTTY or Xshell, to log in to the server and install the agent on the server as user root.
  10. Run the cd /opt/cloud command to go to the installation directory.

    The recommended installation path is /opt/cloud. This section also uses this path as an example. If you want to install the Agent in another path, change the path based on site requirements.

  11. Run the command copied in 8 as user root to install the Agent on the ECS.
  12. Enter the IAM username and password for logging in to the console when prompted.
  13. If information similar to the following is displayed, the agent is successfully installed:
    install isap-agent successfully

Step 3: Create a Node

  1. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Settings > Components.
    Figure 7 Accessing the node management page
  2. On the Node Management tab page, click Create.
  3. On the Create Node page, set parameters.
    Figure 8 Create Node
    1. In the Network Channel Configuration area, select the VPC and subnet the network channel belongs to.
    2. In the network channel list, locate the row that contains the target channel and click Config in the Operation column. In the displayed confirmation dialog box, click OK.
  4. Click Next in the lower right corner of the page to go to the Script Installation Verification page.
  5. After confirming that the installation is complete, click Confirm in the lower right corner of the page.

Step 4: Configure Components

  1. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Settings > Components and click the Components tab.
  2. On the Components tab page, click Edit Configuration in the upper right corner of the component to be viewed. The configuration management page of the component is displayed on the right.
  3. In the Node Configuration area, click Add in the upper left corner of the node list. In the Add Node dialog box displayed, select a node and click OK.
  4. Click Save and Apply in the lower right corner of the page.

Step 5: Add a Data Connection

  1. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Settings > Collection Management.
    Figure 9 Accessing the collections page
  2. On the Connection Management tab page, click Add.
  3. Add a data connection source.

    In the Source column, select the source of the data source type and set parameters based on the selected type.

    The following data source types are supported: Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), File, User Data Protocol (UDP), Object Storage Service (OBS), Message Queue (Kafka), and SecMaster Pipeline.

  4. Add a data source connection destination.

    Click the Target tab, select the destination of the data source type, and then set the parameters according to the selected type.

    The following data source types are supported: File, Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), User Data Protocol (UDP), Message Queue (Kafka), Object Storage Service (OBS), and SecMaster Pipeline.

  5. After the setting is complete, click OK in the lower right corner of the page to confirm the setting.

(Optional) Step 6: Configure the Parser

  1. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Settings > Collection Management. On the displayed page, click the Parsers tab.
    Figure 10 Accessing the Parsers tab page
  2. Customize a parser or create a parser from a template.
    • Customizing a parser
      1. On the Parsers tab page, click Add.
      2. On the Parsers tab page, set parameters.
        Table 1 Parameters for adding a parser



        Basic Information

        Parser Name

        Set a parser name.


        Enter the parser description.

        Rule list

        Set the parsing rule of the parser. Perform the following steps:

        1. Click Add and select a rule type.
          • Parsing rules: Select the parsing rule of the parser. You can select UUID, kv, mutate, grok, date, drop, prune, CSV, or JSON rules.
          • Conditional control: Select the conditions for the parser. You can select If, Else, or Else if.
        2. Set parameters based on the selected rule.
      3. After the setting is complete, click OK in the lower right corner of the page to confirm the setting.
    • Creating a parser from a template
      1. On the Parsers tab page, click the Templates tab.
      2. On the displayed page, locate the row that contains the target template, click Created by Template in the Operation column.
      3. On the Parsers tab page, set parameters.
        Table 2 Parameters for adding a parser



        Basic Information

        Parser Name

        Parser name, which is automatically generated by the system based on the template and can be changed.


        Parser description, which is automatically generated by the system based on the template and can be modified.

        Rule list

        Parsing rule, which is automatically generated by the system based on the template and can be modified.

        To add a rule, click Add, select a rule type, and set parameters based on the selected rule.

        • Parsing rules: Select the parsing rule of the parser. You can select UUID, kv, mutate, grok, date, drop, prune, CSV, or JSON rules.
        • Conditional control: Select the conditions for the parser. You can select If, Else, or Else if.
      4. After the setting is complete, click OK in the lower right corner of the page to confirm the setting.

Step 7: Add a Collection Channel

  1. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Settings > Collection Management. On the Collection Management page, click the Collection Channels tab.
    Figure 11 Collection channel management tab page
  2. Add a channel group.
    1. On the collection channel management page, click next to Group list.
    2. Enter a group name and click .

    To edit or delete a group, hover the cursor over the group name and click the edit or deletion icon.

  3. On the right of the group list, click Add.
  4. On the displayed page, in the Basic Configuration phase, configure basic information.
    Table 3 Basic configuration parameters



    Basic Information


    User-defined collection channel name.

    Channel grouping

    Select the group the collection channel belongs to.

    (Optional) Description

    (Optional) Enter the description of the collection channel.

    Source Configuration

    Source Name

    Select the source name of the collection channel.

    After you select a source, the system automatically generates the information about the selected source.


    Destination Name

    Select the destination name of the collection channel.

    After you select a source, the system automatically generates the information about the selected source.

  5. After the basic configuration is complete, click Next in the lower right corner of the page.
  6. On the parser configuration page, select a parser to view its details.

    If no parser is available or you want to create a parser, choose Create to create a parser. For details, see Managing Parsers.

  7. After the parser is configured, click Next in the lower right corner of the page.
  8. On the Select Node page, click Add. In the Add Node dialog box displayed, select a node and click OK.
    • Running parameters: After a node is added, if you want to configure parameters for the added node, perform the following steps:
      1. In the node list, locate the row that contains the target node, and click Running Parameters in the Operation column.
      2. Click Add Configuration and set Key and Value.
    • Removing a node: To remove an added node, locate the row that contains the target node, click Remove in the Operation column.
  9. After the running node is selected, click Next in the lower right corner of the page.
  10. On the Channel Details Preview page, confirm the configuration and click OK.