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Managing R&D Requirements

Updated on 2025-01-17 GMT+08:00

After creating an R&D requirement (see Procedure), you can perform the operations described in this section on it.

On the R&D Requirements List Page

Go to the project homepage, choose Work > Req > R&D Requirements, and perform the following operations.
Figure 1 R&D requirement list
Table 1 Management operations in the R&D requirement list



Search for R&D requirement

  • By adding filters
    1. Click the search box in the R&D requirement list and select one or more filters to search for R&D requirements.
    2. To clear all filters and display all data, click on the right of the search bar.
  • By using a saved view
    1. Click the search box in the R&D requirement list and select one or more filters.
    2. Click on the rightmost of the search bar, and enter a view name.
    3. Click OK. The created view is displayed next to IR.
    4. You can select the name of the created view to query the R&D requirements that meet the search criteria.

      Views can be shared with others, modified, and deleted.

Assign R&D requirement

You can assign R&D requirements to other projects for collaborative management.


Completed R&D requirements cannot be assigned.

  1. In the R&D requirement list, select the requirements to be assigned.
    • Select the check boxes of the requirements to be assigned and click Deliver in the lower part of the page.

      You can select one or more requirements.

    • Go to the details page of the requirement to be assigned, click in the upper right corner, and select Deliver.
  2. Select a downstream project in the displayed dialog box.

    If there is no value in the drop-down list, perform the following operations to add a value:

    1. Choose Configure downstream project. The Downstream Projects page is displayed.
    2. Click Add Downstream Project. The Add Downstream Project window is displayed.
    3. Select a desired project.
    4. Click Add.
  3. Click Next. The Deliver dialog box is displayed.
  4. Set the recipient in To and the expected receiving time in Expected Received.
  5. Click OK.

    In the R&D requirement list, the Collaboration Status of the assigned requirement is Assign.


    Different colors of Assign indicate different meanings.

    : If the current requirement has downstream requirements that are pending receival, the color of Assign is orange.

    : After all downstream requirements under the current requirement are received, the color of Assign turns green.

    : If the current requirement has downstream requirements turned back, the color of Assign is red.

Receive assigned R&D requirement

Perform this operation when another project assigns an R&D requirement to your project.

  1. In the R&D requirement list, click Collaboration Requirements on the right of the search bar. The Collaboration Requirements page is displayed.
  2. Click Received. The requirements to be received are displayed.
  3. Click next to the requirement to be received. The Receive Collaboration Requirement dialog box is displayed.
    • Click and enter the rejection reason to reject the requirement.
    • Click to transfer the requirement to another person.
    • Click Export All to export the requirement data to an Excel file.
  4. Select Mode and Requirement Type according to the actual situation of the project, and modify Requirement Title.

    When Mode is set to Associate, you only need to select Associated Requirement. The value of Associated Requirement comes from all R&D requirements created in the project.

  5. Click OK.

    The state of the received requirement changes to Received.

    • Click to assign the requirement to other projects.
    • Click to reject the received requirement. After the requirement is rejected, the requirement state changes to Receiving.
  6. Click in the upper right corner of the page to close the Collaboration Requirements page.
    • When Mode is set to Copy, the received requirement information is displayed in the R&D requirement list, and the copied requirement information can be viewed in Related Items > Related Upstream Requirements of the requirement details.
    • When Mode is set to Associate, the Collaboration Status of the associated requirement is Received. You can view the received requirement information in Related Items > Related Upstream Requirements of the requirement details.

Import work items

Use the provided template to import requirements in batches.

  1. In the R&D requirement list, click on the right of the search bar and select Import.
  2. In the displayed dialog box, click Download Template.

    The import template file is displayed in the lower part of the page. Save the file to the local PC and fill in data. The template file should be named in the following format: Project name + "-" + Module name (for example, R&D Requirement) + Template.

  3. Fill in the fields on the IR - Requirements sheet.

    For details about how to set parameters, see the RR - Import Rules sheet in the template file.

  4. Drag or click to select a file to be imported.
  5. Click Import. The import progress dialog box is displayed.
    • After the import is successful, you can view the imported requirement information in the R&D requirement list.
    • If the import fails, a message is displayed in the upper right corner of the page. Click View Failure Details in the message to view the failure details. You can modify the requirement information based on the details and import the template again.

Export work items

Export requirements in batches to an Excel file.

  1. Export some or all R&D requirements.
    • Export all: On the R&D Requirements page, click on the right of the search bar and choose Export. The Select Fields to Export dialog box is displayed.
    • Export some: In the R&D requirement list, select one or more R&D requirements to be exported and click Export at the bottom of the page. The Select Fields to Export dialog box is displayed.
  2. Select the fields to be exported and determine whether to export child requirements.
  3. Click Export. A dialog box is displayed, indicating the export progress.

    After the R&D requirements are exported, the R&D requirement file will be automatically downloaded to the local PC. The file format is .xlsx.

Configure fields to display

Click next to the Operation field.
  • On the left of the pop-up box, select the fields to be displayed in Available.
  • On the right of the pop-up box, drag the fields in Selected to adjust the display sequence.

On the R&D Requirement Details Page

On the details page of an R&D requirement, you can modify the description, priority, and owner, add tags and attachments, associate work items, check review records, add workloads, and view the operation history.
Figure 2 R&D requirement details page
Table 2 Management operations on the details page




Edit work item

On the R&D requirement details page, click the value box of the field to be modified, and enter a target value in the text box or select one from the drop-down list. The modification is saved immediately.

You must have permission to edit R&D requirements.

Change work item status

Go to the work item details page, click the Status field, and transition the work item to the target status. For details about status transition, see Table 1.

You must have permission to set statuses for R&D requirements.

Baseline R&D requirement

  1. Go to the work item details page, and choose > Baseline. The Baseline dialog box is displayed.
  2. Click OK.

    The baseline icon is displayed on the left of the R&D requirement title.


Baselined R&D requirements can be canceled.

You must have permission to baseline R&D requirements.

Initiate baseline review

  1. Go to the work item details page, and choose > Baseline Review. The BR page is displayed.
  2. Enter BR information.

    By default, the Baseline Object is the R&D requirement for which the baseline review is initiated.

  3. Click Submit. The Review page is displayed.

    Choose Review > Baseline Review to check the new baseline review.

  4. Switch to the Features page. The icon of the R&D requirement that is under baseline review is displayed as .

    Track the review progress of the baseline review. The R&D requirement can be baselined only when the baseline review status changes to Approved.

You must have permission to view R&D requirements.

Initiate change review

The change process can be initiated only for baselined and uncompleted R&D requirements.

  1. Go to the details page of a baselined work item, and choose > Change Review. The CR page is displayed.
  2. Enter CR information.
    • Change Object: By default, it is the R&D requirement to be changed.
    • Collaborative Parent Item Change: Only existing CRs can be added.
  3. Click Submit. The Review page is displayed.

    Choose Review > Change Review to check the new CR in the change process. The CR state is Pending review by default.


    Track the review progress of the CR. Only when the state is Approved, which means that the CR has been processed, will the changed content display in the corresponding R&D requirement.

You must have permission to view R&D requirements.

Upload attachment

Attachments can be pictures, workbooks, manuscripts, and text files. A maximum of 100 attachments can be added to each work item, and their total size cannot exceed 50 MB.

  1. Go to the work item details page, and click the Attachment tab.
  2. Click the box to select a local file or drag the file here to upload it as an attachment for the work item.

    Local files can be directly dragged to the text box. When the upload progress reaches 100%, the system displays a message indicating that the attachment is uploaded successfully.

    Move the cursor to the file that is successfully uploaded. The operations that can be performed are displayed.

    • Click to download the file.
    • Click to delete the uploaded file.

You must have permission to upload attachments for R&D requirements.

Add and check related item

A work item can be associated with other types of work items in a project.

  1. Go to the work item details page and click the Related Items tab.
    Figure 3 Related items
  2. Complete association.
    • Parent Requirements: parent requirements to which an R&D requirement belongs.

      The information about an RR is displayed in the Parent Requirements area only when the IR is associated with the RR.

    • Feature: features to which an R&D requirement belongs.

      Only when an IR is associated with a feature will the information about the feature be displayed in the Feature area.

    • Subrequirement: SRs of a child requirement in the current R&D requirement.

      Each requirement can be broken down into a maximum of 10 child requirements at a time. One child requirement is displayed by default and cannot be deleted.

      1. Click Break Down. The Break Down Subrequirements window is displayed.

      2. Configure a child requirement. Click to expand and configure more information.

      3. Click OK. The child requirement is automatically displayed under the parent requirement in the R&D requirement list.

    • Related Upstream Requirements: requirements assigned by other projects to your project.
    • Related Downstream Requirements: requirements assigned to downstream projects.

      1. Click Deliver. The Deliver window is displayed.

      2. In the dialog box that is displayed, set Select Downstream Project, To, and Expected Received.

      If there is no value in the drop-down list, perform the following operations to add a value:

      1. Choose Configure downstream project. The R&D Downstream Projects page is displayed.

      2. Click Add Downstream Project.

      3. Select a desired project.

      4. Click Add.

      3. Click OK.

      In the R&D requirement list, the Collaboration Status of the assigned requirement is Assign.

    • Associate Work Item: associated work items of other types in the project.

      Tasks can be associated.

    • Files: files corresponding to the R&D requirement.

      Select a file associated with the current requirement. You can upload a local file.

    • Wiki: wikis corresponding to the R&D requirement.

      Select a wiki associated with the current requirement. You can create a wiki.

    • Test Case: test cases corresponding to the R&D requirement. You can select R&D requirements associated with test cases in CodeArts TestPlan.
    • Code Commit Record: indicates the code commit records corresponding to the R&D requirement.

      Related information is displayed only when the current requirement is associated during code commit.

    • Code Branch: code branches corresponding to the R&D requirement.

      Related information is displayed only when a code branch is associated with the current requirement.

You must have permission to deliver/cancel assignment, create/delete child requirements, associate/dissociate work items, associate/dissociate files, and associate/dissociate wikis for R&D requirements.

Check review record

You can check the review records related to requirements only in the following situations:

  • When an R&D requirement is added to a baseline review, the baseline review process is triggered. Then you can check the review record on the Review tab of the feature details page.
  • When a locked field of a baselined R&D requirement is modified, the change process is automatically triggered. Then you can check the review record on the Review tab of the feature details page.
  • When an R&D requirement has a general review record, you can check the record on the Review tab of the feature details page.

You must have permission to view R&D requirements.

Add workload

  1. Go to the details page of a work item and click Workload.
  2. Click Add Workload. The Add Workload dialog box is displayed.
  3. Enter the workload information.
    • The end date cannot be earlier than the start date.
    • Decide whether to select Weekends included. If not, weekend workload records will not be generated.
    • You can select Total or Daily for Workload.
    • Work Type options include backend development, frontend development, UI design, replacement leave, debugging, and general. You can also customize the value by referring to Creating Work Types.
  4. Click OK.

    The system automatically generates corresponding records based on the entered dates and days.

    The workload can be edited and deleted.

You must have permission to add person-hours for R&D requirements.

Workloads can be edited and deleted by the creator. By default, the project administrator can edit and delete all workloads.

View operation history

History displays all operation logs of users, including creation, status transition, review initiation, work item association, and workload addition.

  1. Go to the work item details page.
  2. Click the History tab.
    • Click or to check historical records in the ascending or descending order of operation time.
    • You can set search criteria to query historical records that meet the search criteria.

You must have permission to view R&D requirements.

Tag work item

  1. Go to the work item details page. Click next to Tag at the top of the page, and select Create Tag.

    The added tag is displayed in the Tag area.

  2. In the Create Tag dialog box, set Tag Name and select Tag Color.
  3. Click OK.

    The new tag is displayed next to the requirement ID in the RR list.

  4. (Optional) Hide a tag.
    • Click next to Tag. In the displayed dialog box, deselect to hide the tag.
      Figure 4 Hiding a tag - 01
    • Move the cursor to the tag name and click to hide the tag.
      Figure 5 Hiding a tag - 02

      If you need to add tags for multiple work items, select the desired work item, click Batch Edit in the lower part of the page, and select Tag.

You must have permission to edit R&D requirements.

Add comment

  1. Go to the work item details page.
  2. On the Details tab page, click the Comments text box.
    Figure 6 Add comment
  3. Enter a comment.

    You can upload images, enter links, associate work items, and use @ to notify project members in comments.

  4. Click Submit.

    Submitted comments can be replied, edited, pinned to the top, and deleted.

You must have permission to view R&D requirements.

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