Updated on 2024-07-30 GMT+08:00

Team Space

A department or group is a team. The team space allows all members in the department or group to share files.

Department space and group space are isolated from each other. Department space is visible only to department members, and group space is visible only to group members. If space is allocated and enabled for a department when the department is created, the department space is displayed on the homepage of the team space.

The team space homepage consists of two parts: team space operations and card view.

Team space operations

  • Button: You can create a group space.
  • : You can search for a space by name. Fuzzy search is supported.

  • : You can select Dept space, My owned spaces, or My joined spaces to be displayed in the card view.

Team space card view

  • The department space and group space cards are displayed. The word Dept space is displayed in a department space card. By default, 10 space cards are displayed per page. You can scroll to the next page to load more.
  • A department card displays the space profile picture, department name, organization path, number of employees, total space capacity, and used capacity. A system administrator can view the space of all departments in their enterprise. A common user or department administrator can view the team space of only their own department.
  • A group card displays the space profile picture, group name, group owner (if any), number of members, total space capacity, and used capacity.
  • The group space card view provides group space management.

The team space page consists of two parts: operations and the list/card view of files/folders.


  • Directory information: displays the path information of the current team space in the upper left corner.
  • Selected Files: displays the number of all or selected files/folders in the current list/card view in gray.
  • : You can search for files/folders in the team space by name. Fuzzy search is supported.

  • : You can select the type of files/folders to be displayed in the list.

  • : You can click it to display files/folders in the team space in a list.
  • : You can click it to display files/folders in the team space in cards.

List/Card view

  • The list view displays the file/folder name, owner, size, format, and update time. You can sort files/folders in ascending or descending order by name, size, format, or update time. By default, files/folders are sorted by update time in descending order. Folders are always on the top. A thumbnail is displayed in the name column of an image file. You can click the thumbnail to check the original image.
  • The card view displays the file/folder name, update time, and format icon. By default, files/folders are sorted by update time in descending order. Folders are always on the top. A thumbnail is displayed in the card of an image file. You can click the thumbnail to check the original image.