Updated on 2023-07-25 GMT+08:00

Managing Repository Members

You can manage repository members on the Members tab page.

Only the repository creator (owner) and repository administrator can manage repository members. Other members can only view the repository member list, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 1 Member list
Figure 2 Member list for those who do not have operation permissions

Automatically Synchronizing Project Members to the Repository

Configure Member Role Synchronization (① in the Figure 1) to synchronize project roles to the repository. For details about the synchronization policies, see Table 1.

Table 1 Member role synchronization


Project Role

Repository Role

Allowed Operation(② in the Figure 1)


Project manager

Repository administrator


Allow developers to access the repository


Custom role (developer permission)

Common repository member

  • Setting the member as a repository administrator
  • Setting the role as a common repository member
  • Removing the member

Allow viewers to access the repository

Test manager

Repository viewer

Removing the member




Custom role (viewer permission)

  • A project manager is a repository administrator by default.
  • To remove a project manager from the repository, change their role in the project settings.
  • If you select a policy in Member Role Synchronization, users added to the project are automatically synchronized to the repository.
  • If you deselect policies in Member Role Synchronization and click Synchronize, related members will be removed immediately.

Manually Adding a Repository Member

Manually added repository members will be overwritten by the synchronization function in Automatically Synchronizing Project Members to the Repository. You are advised to use either of the two functions.

Click Add Member (③ in the Figure 1). On the displayed dialog box, select a member from the member list of the corresponding project and add the member to the repository. A default repository role is assigned to the member based on the project role. For details about the role mapping, see Table 2.

Table 2 Mapping between project roles and repository roles

Project Role

Repository Role

Allowed Operation (② in the Figure 1)

Project manager

Repository administrator (default)

  • Downgrading the role to a common repository member

Common repository member

  • Escalating the role to a repository administrator
  • Removing the member


Repository administrator

  • Downgrading the role to a common repository member

Common repository member (default)

  • Escalating the role to a repository administrator
  • Downgrading the role to a repository viewer
  • Removing the member

Repository viewer

  • Escalating the role to a common repository member
  • Removing the member

Test manager

Repository viewer (default)

Removing the member




O&M manager

Custom role

  • If the list is empty, the project has no members except the repository creator. You need to add members to the project.
  • On the repository list page, you can select Customize Project Roles to modify the repository role mapped from a custom project role as a project creator.