Updated on 2024-09-18 GMT+08:00

Uploading an External Certificate to SCM

You can upload your SSL certificates (SSL certificates that have been purchased and issued on other platforms) to the CCM service for centralized management. After an SSL certificate is uploaded, you can install the certificate on other Huawei Cloud services and set a reminder before the certificate expires.

This topic describes how to upload a local (external) SSL certificate onto CCM.


You have prepared the following files to be uploaded:
  • Certificate file in PEM encoding format (the file name extension is PEM or CRT).
  • Certificate private key in PEM encoding format (the file name extension is KEY).


Expired certificates and certificates whose certificate chain length is 1 cannot be uploaded.


  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner of the page and choose Security & Compliance > Cloud Certificate Management Service. The service console is displayed.
  3. In the navigation pane on the left, choose SSL Certificate Manager > SSL Certificates.
  4. Click the Hosted Certificates tab. In the upper left corner of the displayed tab, click Hosted Certificates. The Hosted Certificates dialog box is displayed

    Figure 1 Hosted Certificates

  5. In the Hosted Certificates dialog box, enter the certificate information. For details, see Table 1.

    Figure 2 Uploading a certificate
    Table 1 Parameters for uploading a certificate



    Certificate Name

    A certificate name you specify.

    Certificate File

    Open the PEM file in the certificate to be uploaded as a text file and copy the certificate content in the file to this text box.

    Note that you need to upload a combined certificate file that contains both the server certificate content and certificate chain content into this field. The content of the certificate chain should be pasted right below the content of the server certificate. For more details, see How Do I Upload a Certificate File?

    Private Key

    Open the KEY file in the certificate to be uploaded as a text file and copy the private key content to this text box.

  6. Click Submit to upload the certificate.

    When the certificate is uploaded successfully, a certificate in the Hosted state is added to the certificate list.

    Uploaded certificates can be deployed to other Huawei Cloud products.

Other Operations

Deploy the uploaded certification other cloud products. For more details, see Deploying an SSL Certificate to Other Huawei Cloud Products.