Help Center/ Cloud Container Engine_Autopilot/ User Guide/ Add-ons/ CCE Container Storage (Everest)
Updated on 2024-09-30 GMT+08:00

CCE Container Storage (Everest)


Everest is a cloud native container storage add-on that enables Kubernetes clusters to access cloud storage services through CSI.

In clusters of v1.27.5-r0, v1.28.3-r0, and later versions, this add-on is automatically configured by the system and does not need to be manually installed or updated.

Editing the Add-on

This add-on is installed by default. To modify its settings, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the CCE console and click the cluster name to access the cluster console. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Add-ons. Locate CCE Container Storage (Everest) on the right and click Edit.
  2. On the Edit Add-on page, modify the specifications.

    Table 1 Everest specifications




    Number of pods for the add-on.

    High availability is not possible if there is only one pod. If an error occurs on the node where the pod runs, the add-on will fail.


    CPU and memory quotas of the containers for running the add-on. The add-on contains the everest-csi-controller and everest-csi-driver components. For details, see Components.

  3. Modify the parameters.

    Table 2 Everest parameters




    Number of worker nodes that can be concurrently processed by Everest for attaching EVS volumes. The default value is 60.


    Number of worker nodes that can be concurrently processed by Everest for detaching EVS volumes. The default value is 60.


    Maximum number of EVS volumes that can be attached by the Everest add-on within 1 minute. The default value is 0, indicating that the performance of attaching EVS volumes is determined by the underlying storage resources.


    Cluster ID


    ID of the VPC to which the cluster belongs


    Whether the default AK/SK can be used when an object bucket or parallel file system is mounted. The default value is false.


    Whether to enable the attacher on the agent to process the VolumeAttachment.


    This field is left blank by default. You do not need to configure this parameter.


    Overcommitment ratio of the local storage pool (local_storage). The default value is 80. If the size of the local storage pool is 100 GiB, it can be overcommitted to 180 GiB.


    ID of the project to which a cluster belongs

    The performance of attaching a large number of EVS volumes has been optimized. The following parameters can be configured:
    • csi_attacher_worker_threads
    • csi_attacher_detach_worker_threads
    • volume_attaching_flow_ctrl

    The preceding parameters are associated with each other and are constrained by the underlying storage resources in the region where the cluster is located. To attach a large number of volumes (more than 500 EVS volumes per minute), contact customer service and configure the parameters under their guidance to prevent the Everest add-on from running abnormally due to improper parameter settings.

  4. Click Install.


Table 3 Everest components



Resource Type


Used to create, delete, snapshot, expand, attach, and detach storage volumes.



Used to mount and unmount PVs and resize file systems.
