Help Center/ Cloud Application Engine/ User Guide/ Application Management
Updated on 2024-07-01 GMT+08:00

Application Management

You can create applications and components under an application to provide services externally.


You have created an environment.

Creating an Application

  1. Log in to CAE.
  2. Choose Components and use either of the following methods to create an application:

    • Click next to Application in the upper part of the page.
    • Click Create Now on the Components page.

      This method is available only when you create the first application.

      Figure 1 Creating an application

  3. In the displayed Create Application dialog box, enter an application name.
  4. Click OK.

Deleting an Application

  • Deleted applications cannot be restored. Exercise caution when performing this operation.
  • Before deleting an application, delete all components of the application. For details, see Deleting a Component.
  1. Log in to CAE.
  2. Choose Components.
  3. Click in the Application column to expand the application list.
  4. Move the mouse pointer to the target application and click the displayed .

    Figure 2 Deleting an application

  5. In the displayed dialog box, click OK.