Updated on 2024-12-25 GMT+08:00

Configuring the HttpClient Monitoring Item

On the Modify HttpClient Monitoring Configuration page, set the following URL normalization parameters:

  • Collection Interval: The default value is 60s and cannot be changed.
  • URL normalization is used to aggregate URLs that meet the conditions you set. For example, http://localhost/rest/v1/test/123 and http://localhost/rest/v1/test/234 can be aggregated into http://localhost/rest/v1/test/{id}.
  • httpClientMaxRows: the maximum number of HttpClient rows that can be collected by the Agent. If this value has been reached, the Agent stops collecting data immediately. The default value is 500. The value ranges from 10 to 2000.
Figure 1 Configuring the HttpClient monitoring item

Normalization Methods

There are four normalization methods: Startwith, Endwith, Include, and Regex.

  • Startwith: URLs starting with a certain expression are counted as normalized URLs. For example, URLs starting with are aggregated into /v1/test/{id}, as shown in Figure 1.
  • Endwith: URLs ending with a certain expression are counted as normalized URLs. For example, URLs ending with /test are aggregated into /{id}/test, as shown in Figure 1.
  • Include: URLs containing a certain expression are counted as normalized URLs. For example, URLs containing test are aggregated into /test/{id}, as shown in Figure 1.
  • Regex: URLs that meet the wildcard expression are counted as normalized URLs. For details about the wildcard rules, see Table 1.
    Table 1 Wildcard description




    Matches any character.


    Matches zero, one, or more characters.


    Matches zero, one, or more directories.

Usage Example

The following is an example:

URL Path



Matches files such as /app/pattern and /app/pAttern, excluding /app/pttern.


Matches all .x files in the app directory.


Matches /app/example, /app/foo/example, and /example.


Matches /app/dir/file.jsp, /app/foo/dir/file.htm, /app/foo/bar/dir/file.pdf, and /app/dir/file.c.


Matches all .jsp files.