هذه الصفحة غير متوفرة حاليًا بلغتك المحلية. نحن نعمل جاهدين على إضافة المزيد من اللغات. شاكرين تفهمك ودعمك المستمر لنا.
DCS Metrics
This section describes DCS metrics reported to Cloud Eye as well as their namespaces and dimensions. You can use the Cloud Eye console or call APIs to query the DCS metrics and alarms.
Instance Type |
Instance Monitoring |
Redis Server Monitoring |
Proxy Monitoring |
Single-node |
Supported The monitoring on the instance dimension is conducted on the Redis Server. |
N/A |
N/A |
Master/standby |
Supported The master node is monitored. |
Supported The master and standby nodes are monitored. |
N/A |
Proxy Cluster |
Supported The monitoring data is the aggregated master node data. |
Supported Each shard is monitored. |
Supported Each proxy is monitored. |
Redis Cluster |
Supported The monitoring data is the aggregated master node data. |
Supported Each shard is monitored. |
N/A |
DCS Redis 3.0 Instance Metrics
- The Monitored Object column lists instances that support the corresponding metrics.
- Dimensions lists the metric dimensions.
Metric ID |
Metric |
Description |
Value Range |
Monitored Object |
Monitoring Period (Raw Data) |
cpu_usage |
CPU Usage |
The monitored object's maximum CPU usage among multiple sampling values in a monitoring period Unit: % |
0–100% |
Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
memory_usage |
Memory Usage |
Memory consumed by the monitored object Unit: % |
0–100% |
Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
net_in_throughput |
Network Input Throughput |
Inbound throughput per second on a port Unit: byte/s |
≥ 0 |
Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
net_out_throughput |
Network Output Throughput |
Outbound throughput per second on a port Unit: byte/s |
≥ 0 |
Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
node_status |
Instance Node Status |
Status of instance nodes. If the status is normal, the value is 0. If the status is abnormal, the value is 1. |
- |
Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
connected_clients |
Connected Clients |
Number of connected clients (excluding those from slave nodes) |
≥ 0 |
Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
client_longest_out_list |
Client Longest Output List |
Longest output list among current client connections |
≥ 0 |
Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
client_biggest_in_buf |
Client Biggest Input Buf |
Maximum input data length among current client connections Unit: byte |
≥ 0 |
Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
blocked_clients |
Blocked Clients |
Number of clients suspended by block operations such as BLPOP, BRPOP, and BRPOPLPUSH |
≥ 0 |
Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
used_memory |
Used Memory |
Number of bytes used by the Redis server Unit: byte |
≥ 0 |
Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
used_memory_rss |
Used Memory RSS |
Resident set size (RSS) memory that the Redis server has used, which is the memory that actually resides in the memory, including all stack and heap memory but not swapped-out memory Unit: byte |
≥ 0 |
Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
used_memory_peak |
Used Memory Peak |
Peak memory consumed by Redis since the Redis server last started Unit: byte |
≥ 0 |
Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
used_memory_lua |
Used Memory Lua |
Number of bytes used by the Lua engine Unit: byte |
≥ 0 |
Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
memory_frag_ratio |
Memory Fragmentation Ratio |
Current memory fragmentation, which is the ratio between used_memory_rss/used_memory. |
≥ 0 |
Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
total_connections_received |
New Connections |
Number of connections received during the monitoring period |
≥ 0 |
Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
total_commands_processed |
Commands Processed |
Number of commands processed during the monitoring period |
≥ 0 |
Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
instantaneous_ops |
Ops per Second |
Number of commands processed per second |
≥ 0 |
Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
total_net_input_bytes |
Network Input Bytes |
Number of bytes received during the monitoring period Unit: byte |
≥ 0 |
Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
total_net_output_bytes |
Network Output Bytes |
Number of bytes sent during the monitoring period Unit: byte |
≥ 0 |
Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
instantaneous_input_kbps |
Input Flow |
Instantaneous input traffic Unit: kbit/s |
≥ 0 kbits/s |
Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
instantaneous_output_kbps |
Output Flow |
Instantaneous output traffic Unit: kbit/s |
≥ 0 kbits/s |
Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
rejected_connections |
Rejected Connections |
Number of connections that have exceeded maxclients and been rejected during the monitoring period |
≥ 0 |
Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
expired_keys |
Expired Keys |
Number of keys that have expired and been deleted during the monitoring period |
≥ 0 |
Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
evicted_keys |
Evicted Keys |
Number of keys that have been evicted and deleted during the monitoring period |
≥ 0 |
Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
keyspace_hits |
Keyspace Hits |
Number of successful lookups of keys in the main dictionary during the monitoring period |
≥ 0 |
Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
keyspace_misses |
Keyspace Misses |
Number of failed lookups of keys in the main dictionary during the monitoring period |
≥ 0 |
Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
pubsub_channels |
PubSub Channels |
Number of Pub/Sub channels |
≥ 0 |
Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
pubsub_patterns |
PubSub Patterns |
Number of Pub/Sub patterns |
≥ 0 |
Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
keyspace_hits_perc |
Hit Rate |
Ratio of the number of Redis cache hits to the number of lookups. Calculation: keyspace_hits/(keyspace_hits + keyspace_misses) Unit: % |
0–100% |
Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
command_max_delay |
Maximum Command Latency |
Maximum latency of commands Unit: ms |
≥ 0 ms |
Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
auth_errors |
Authentication Failures |
Number of failed authentications |
≥ 0 |
Single-node or master/standby DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
is_slow_log_exist |
Slow Query Logs |
Existence of slow query logs in the instance Slow queries caused by the MIGRATE, SLAVEOF, CONFIG, BGSAVE, and BGREWRITEAOF commands are not counted. |
Single-node or master/standby DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
keys |
Keys |
Number of keys in Redis |
≥ 0 |
Single-node or master/standby DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
DCS Redis 4.0/5.0/6.0 Instance Metrics
- The Monitored Object column lists instances that support the corresponding metrics.
- Dimensions lists the metric dimensions.
Metric ID |
Metric |
Description |
Value Range |
Monitored Object |
Monitoring Period (Raw Data) |
cpu_usage |
CPU Usage |
The monitored object's maximum CPU usage among multiple sampling values in a monitoring period Unit: % |
0–100% |
Single-node or master/standby DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
command_max_delay |
Maximum Command Latency |
Maximum latency of commands Unit: ms |
≥ 0 ms |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
total_connections_received |
New Connections |
Number of connections received during the monitoring period |
≥ 0 |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
is_slow_log_exist |
Slow Query Logs |
Existence of slow query logs in the instance Slow queries caused by the MIGRATE, SLAVEOF, CONFIG, BGSAVE, and BGREWRITEAOF commands are not counted. |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
memory_usage |
Memory Usage |
Memory consumed by the monitored object Unit: % |
0–100% |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
expires |
Keys With an Expiration |
Number of keys with an expiration in Redis |
≥ 0 |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
keyspace_hits_perc |
Hit Rate |
Ratio of the number of Redis cache hits to the number of lookups. Calculation: keyspace_hits/(keyspace_hits + keyspace_misses) Unit: % |
0–100% |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
used_memory |
Used Memory |
Number of bytes used by the Redis server Unit: KB, MB, or byte (configurable on the console) |
≥ 0 |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
used_memory_dataset |
Used Memory Dataset |
Dataset memory that the Redis server has used Unit: KB, MB, or byte (configurable on the console) |
≥ 0 |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
used_memory_dataset_perc |
Used Memory Dataset Ratio |
Percentage of dataset memory that server has used Unit: % |
0–100% |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
used_memory_rss |
Used Memory RSS |
Resident set size (RSS) memory that the Redis server has used, which is the memory that actually resides in the memory, including all stack and heap memory but not swapped-out memory Unit: KB, MB, or byte (configurable on the console) |
≥ 0 |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
instantaneous_ops |
Ops per Second |
Number of commands processed per second |
≥ 0 |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
keyspace_misses |
Keyspace Misses |
Number of failed lookups of keys in the main dictionary during the monitoring period |
≥ 0 |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
keys |
Keys |
Number of keys in Redis |
≥ 0 |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
rx_controlled |
Flow Control Times |
Number of flow control times during the monitoring period |
≥ 0 |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
bandwidth_usage |
Bandwidth Usage |
Percentage of the maximum bandwidth limit used (the average value of the sum of input and output flows) Unit: % |
≥ 0 |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
command_max_rt |
Maximum Latency |
Maximum delay from when the node receives commands to when it responds Unit: μs |
≥ 0 |
Single-node DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
command_avg_rt |
Average Latency |
Average delay from when the node receives commands to when it responds Unit: μs |
≥ 0 |
Single-node DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
blocked_clients |
Blocked Clients |
Number of clients suspended by block operations |
≥ 0 |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
connected_clients |
Connected Clients |
Number of connected clients (excluding those from slave nodes) |
≥ 0 |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
del |
Number of DEL commands processed per second Unit: count/s |
0–500,000 |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
evicted_keys |
Evicted Keys |
Number of keys that have been evicted and deleted during the monitoring period |
≥ 0 |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
expire |
Number of EXPIRE commands processed per second Unit: count/s |
0–500,000 |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
expired_keys |
Expired Keys |
Number of keys that have expired and been deleted during the monitoring period |
≥ 0 |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
get |
Number of GET commands processed per second Unit: count/s |
0–500,000 |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
hdel |
Number of HDEL commands processed per second Unit: count/s |
0–500,000 |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
hget |
Number of HGET commands processed per second Unit: count/s |
0–500,000 |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
hmget |
Number of HMGET commands processed per second Unit: count/s |
0–500,000 |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
hmset |
Number of HMSET commands processed per second Unit: count/s |
0–500,000 |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
hset |
Number of HSET commands processed per second Unit: count/s |
0–500,000 |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
instantaneous_input_kbps |
Input Flow |
Instantaneous input traffic Unit: KB/s |
≥ 0 KB/s |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
instantaneous_output_kbps |
Output Flow |
Instantaneous output traffic Unit: KB/s |
≥ 0 KB/s |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
memory_frag_ratio |
Memory Fragmentation Ratio |
Ratio between Used Memory RSS and Used Memory |
≥ 0 |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
mget |
Number of MGET commands processed per second Unit: count/s |
0–500,000 |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
mset |
Number of MSET commands processed per second Unit: count/s |
0–500,000 |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
pubsub_channels |
PubSub Channels |
Number of Pub/Sub channels |
≥ 0 |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
pubsub_patterns |
PubSub Patterns |
Number of Pub/Sub patterns |
≥ 0 |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
set |
Number of SET commands processed per second Unit: count/s |
0–500,000 |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
used_memory_lua |
Used Memory Lua |
Number of bytes used by the Lua engine Unit: KB, MB, or byte (configurable on the console) |
≥ 0 |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
used_memory_peak |
Used Memory Peak |
Peak memory consumed by Redis since the Redis server last started Unit: KB, MB, or byte (configurable on the console) |
≥ 0 |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
sadd |
Number of SADD commands processed per second Unit: count/s |
0–500,000 |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
smembers |
Number of SMEMBERS commands processed per second Unit: count/s |
0–500,000 |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
keyspace_misses |
Keyspace Misses |
Number of failed lookups of keys in the main dictionary during the monitoring period |
≥ 0 |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
used_memory_dataset |
Used Memory Dataset |
Dataset memory that the Redis server has used Unit: KB, MB, or byte (configurable on the console) |
≥ 0 |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
used_memory_dataset_perc |
Used Memory Dataset Ratio |
Percentage of dataset memory that server has used Unit: % |
0–100% |
DCS Redis instance |
1 minute |
Redis Server Metrics of DCS Redis Instances
- The Monitored Object column lists instances that support the corresponding metrics.
- Dimensions lists the metric dimensions.
Metric ID |
Metric |
Description |
Value Range |
Monitored Object |
Monitoring Period (Raw Data) |
cpu_usage |
CPU Usage |
The monitored object's maximum CPU usage among multiple sampling values in a monitoring period Unit: % |
0–100% |
Redis Server of a cluster instance Redis Server of a master/standby DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
memory_usage |
Memory Usage |
Memory consumed by the monitored object Unit: % |
0–100% |
Redis Server of a cluster instance Redis Server of a master/standby DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
connected_clients |
Connected Clients |
Number of connected clients (excluding those from slave nodes) |
≥ 0 |
Redis Server of a cluster instance Redis Server of a master/standby DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
client_longest_out_list |
Client Longest Output List |
Longest output list among current client connections |
≥ 0 |
Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
client_biggest_in_buf |
Client Biggest Input Buf |
Maximum input data length among current client connections Unit: byte |
≥ 0 |
Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
blocked_clients |
Blocked Clients |
Number of clients suspended by block operations such as BLPOP, BRPOP, and BRPOPLPUSH |
≥ 0 |
Redis Server of a cluster instance Redis Server of a master/standby DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
used_memory |
Used Memory |
Number of bytes used by the Redis server Unit: byte |
≥ 0 |
Redis Server of a cluster instance Redis Server of a master/standby DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
used_memory_rss |
Used Memory RSS |
RSS memory that the Redis server has used, which including all stack and heap memory but not swapped-out memory Unit: byte |
≥ 0 |
Redis Server of a cluster instance Redis Server of a master/standby DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
used_memory_peak |
Used Memory Peak |
Peak memory consumed by Redis since the Redis server last started Unit: byte |
≥ 0 |
Redis Server of a cluster instance Redis Server of a master/standby DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
used_memory_lua |
Used Memory Lua |
Number of bytes used by the Lua engine Unit: byte |
≥ 0 |
Redis Server of a cluster instance Redis Server of a master/standby DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
memory_frag_ratio |
Memory Fragmentation Ratio |
Current memory fragmentation, which is the ratio between used_memory_rss/used_memory. |
≥ 0 |
Redis Server of a cluster instance Redis Server of a master/standby DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
total_connections_received |
New Connections |
Number of connections received during the monitoring period |
≥ 0 |
Redis Server of a cluster instance Redis Server of a master/standby DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
total_commands_processed |
Commands Processed |
Number of commands processed during the monitoring period |
≥ 0 |
Redis Server of a cluster instance Redis Server of a master/standby DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
instantaneous_ops |
Ops per Second |
Number of commands processed per second |
≥ 0 |
Redis Server of a cluster instance Redis Server of a master/standby DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
total_net_input_bytes |
Network Input Bytes |
Number of bytes received during the monitoring period Unit: byte |
≥ 0 |
Redis Server of a cluster instance Redis Server of a master/standby DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
total_net_output_bytes |
Network Output Bytes |
Number of bytes sent during the monitoring period Unit: byte |
≥ 0 |
Redis Server of a cluster instance Redis Server of a master/standby DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
instantaneous_input_kbps |
Input Flow |
Instantaneous input traffic Unit: KB/s |
≥ 0 KB/s |
Redis Server of a cluster instance Redis Server of a master/standby DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
instantaneous_output_kbps |
Output Flow |
Instantaneous output traffic Unit: KB/s |
≥ 0 KB/s |
Redis Server of a cluster instance Redis Server of a master/standby DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
rejected_connections |
Rejected Connections |
Number of connections that have exceeded maxclients and been rejected during the monitoring period |
≥ 0 |
Redis Server of a cluster instance Redis Server of a master/standby DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
expired_keys |
Expired Keys |
Number of keys that have expired and been deleted during the monitoring period |
≥ 0 |
Redis Server of a cluster instance Redis Server of a master/standby DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
evicted_keys |
Evicted Keys |
Number of keys that have been evicted and deleted during the monitoring period |
≥ 0 |
Redis Server of a cluster instance Redis Server of a master/standby DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
pubsub_channels |
PubSub Channels |
Number of Pub/Sub channels |
≥ 0 |
Redis Server of a cluster instance Redis Server of a master/standby DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
pubsub_patterns |
PubSub Patterns |
Number of Pub/Sub patterns |
≥ 0 |
Redis Server of a cluster instance Redis Server of a master/standby DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
keyspace_hits_perc |
Hit Rate |
Ratio of the number of Redis cache hits to the number of lookups. Calculation: keyspace_hits/(keyspace_hits + keyspace_misses) Unit: % |
0–100% |
Redis Server of a cluster instance Redis Server of a master/standby DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
command_max_delay |
Maximum Command Latency |
Maximum latency of commands Unit: ms |
≥ 0 ms |
Redis Server of a cluster instance Redis Server of a master/standby DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
is_slow_log_exist |
Slow Query Logs |
Existence of slow query logs in the node Slow queries caused by the MIGRATE, SLAVEOF, CONFIG, BGSAVE, and BGREWRITEAOF commands are not counted. |
Redis Server of a cluster instance Redis Server of a master/standby DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
keys |
Keys |
Number of keys in Redis |
≥ 0 |
Redis Server of a cluster instance Redis Server of a master/standby DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
sadd |
Number of SADD commands processed per second Unit: count/s |
0–500,000 |
Redis Server of a cluster instance Redis Server of a master/standby DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
smembers |
Number of SMEMBERS commands processed per second Unit: count/s |
0–500,000 |
Redis Server of a cluster instance Redis Server of a master/standby DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
ms_repl_offset |
Replication Gap |
Data synchronization gap between the master and the replica |
- |
Replica of a cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance |
1 minute |
del |
Number of DEL commands processed per second Unit: count/s |
0–500,000 |
Redis Server of a cluster instance Redis Server of a master/standby DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
expire |
Number of EXPIRE commands processed per second Unit: count/s |
0–500,000 |
Redis Server of a cluster instance Redis Server of a master/standby DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
get |
Number of GET commands processed per second Unit: count/s |
0–500,000 |
Redis Server of a cluster instance Redis Server of a master/standby DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
hdel |
Number of HDEL commands processed per second Unit: count/s |
0–500,000 |
Redis Server of a cluster instance Redis Server of a master/standby DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
hget |
Number of HGET commands processed per second Unit: count/s |
0–500,000 |
Redis Server of a cluster instance Redis Server of a master/standby DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
hmget |
Number of HMGET commands processed per second Unit: count/s |
0–500,000 |
Redis Server of a cluster instance Redis Server of a master/standby DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
hmset |
Number of HMSET commands processed per second Unit: count/s |
0–500,000 |
Redis Server of a cluster instance Redis Server of a master/standby DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
hset |
Number of HSET commands processed per second Unit: count/s |
0–500,000 |
Redis Server of a cluster instance Redis Server of a master/standby DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
mget |
Number of MGET commands processed per second Unit: count/s |
0–500,000 |
Redis Server of a cluster instance Redis Server of a master/standby DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
mset |
Number of MSET commands processed per second Unit: count/s |
0–500,000 |
Redis Server of a cluster instance Redis Server of a master/standby DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
set |
Number of SET commands processed per second Unit: count/s |
0–500,000 |
Redis Server of a cluster instance Redis Server of a master/standby DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
rx_controlled |
Flow Control Times |
Number of flow control times during the monitoring period Unit: count |
≥ 0 |
Redis Server of a cluster instance Redis Server of a master/standby DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
bandwidth_usage |
Bandwidth Usage |
Percentage of the used bandwidth to the maximum bandwidth limit |
0–200% |
Redis Server of a cluster instance Redis Server of a master/standby DCS Redis 4.0 or later instance |
1 minute |
Proxy Metrics
- The Monitored Object column lists instances that support the corresponding metrics.
- Dimensions lists the metric dimensions.
Metric ID |
Metric |
Description |
Value Range |
Monitored Object and Dimension |
Monitoring Period (Raw Data) |
cpu_usage |
CPU Usage |
The monitored object's maximum CPU usage among multiple sampling values in a monitoring period Unit: % |
0–100% |
Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 3.0 instance |
1 minute |
memory_usage |
Memory Usage |
Memory consumed by the monitored object Unit: % |
0–100% |
Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 3.0 instance |
1 minute |
p_connected_clients |
Connected Clients |
Number of connected clients |
≥ 0 |
Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 3.0 instance |
1 minute |
max_rxpck_per_sec |
Max. NIC Data Packet Receive Rate |
Maximum number of data packets received by the proxy NIC per second during the monitoring period Unit: packages/second |
0–10,000,000 |
Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 3.0 instance |
1 minute |
max_txpck_per_sec |
Max. NIC Data Packet Transmit Rate |
Maximum number of data packets transmitted by the proxy NIC per second during the monitoring period Unit: packages/second |
0–10,000,000 |
Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 3.0 instance |
1 minute |
max_rxkB_per_sec |
Maximum Inbound Bandwidth |
Largest volume of data received by the proxy NIC per second Unit: KB/s |
≥ 0 KB/s |
Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 3.0 instance |
1 minute |
max_txkB_per_sec |
Maximum Outbound Bandwidth |
Largest volume of data transmitted by the proxy NIC per second Unit: KB/s |
≥ 0 KB/s |
Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 3.0 instance |
1 minute |
avg_rxpck_per_sec |
Average NIC Data Packet Receive Rate |
Average number of data packets received by the proxy NIC per second during the monitoring period Unit: packages/second |
0–10,000,000 |
Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 3.0 instance |
1 minute |
avg_txpck_per_sec |
Average NIC Data Packet Transmit Rate |
Average number of data packets transmitted by the proxy NIC per second during the monitoring period Unit: packages/second |
0–10,000,000 |
Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 3.0 instance |
1 minute |
avg_rxkB_per_sec |
Average Inbound Bandwidth |
Average volume of data received by the proxy NIC per second Unit: KB/s |
≥ 0 KB/s |
Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 3.0 instance |
1 minute |
avg_txkB_per_sec |
Average Outbound Bandwidth |
Average volume of data transmitted by the proxy NIC per second Unit: KB/s |
≥ 0 KB/s |
Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 3.0 instance |
1 minute |
Metric ID |
Metric |
Metric Description |
Value Range |
Monitored Object |
Monitoring Period (Raw Data) |
node_status |
Instance Node Status |
Indication of whether the proxy is normal. |
Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance |
1 minute |
cpu_usage |
CPU Usage |
The monitored object's maximum CPU usage among multiple sampling values in a monitoring period Unit: % |
0–100% |
Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance |
1 minute |
memory_usage |
Memory Usage |
Memory consumed by the monitored object Unit: % |
0–100% |
Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance |
1 minute |
connected_clients |
Connected Clients |
Number of connected clients |
≥ 0 |
Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance |
1 minute |
instantaneous_ops |
Ops per Second |
Number of commands processed per second |
≥ 0 |
Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance |
1 minute |
instantaneous_input_kbps |
Input Flow |
Instantaneous input traffic Unit: KB/s |
≥ 0 KB/s |
Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance |
1 minute |
instantaneous_output_kbps |
Output Flow |
Instantaneous output traffic Unit: KB/s |
≥ 0 KB/s |
Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance |
1 minute |
total_net_input_bytes |
Network Input Bytes |
Number of bytes received during the monitoring period Unit: byte |
≥ 0 |
Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance |
1 minute |
total_net_output_bytes |
Network Output Bytes |
Number of bytes sent during the monitoring period Unit: byte |
≥ 0 |
Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance |
1 minute |
connections_usage |
Connection Usage |
Percentage of the current number of connections to the maximum allowed number of connections Unit: % |
0–100% |
Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance |
1 minute |
command_max_rt |
Maximum Latency |
Maximum delay from when the node receives commands to when it responds Unit: us |
>=0us |
Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance |
1 minute |
command_avg_rt |
Average Latency |
Average delay from when the node receives commands to when it responds Unit: us |
>=0us |
Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance |
1 minute |
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