Help Center/ ROMA Connect/ Getting Started/ Using ROMA Connect for Device Integration
Updated on 2024-04-23 GMT+08:00

Using ROMA Connect for Device Integration


ROMA Connect uses the standard Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol to connect devices and implement quick and easy device management on the cloud.

This chapter provides a configuration example to help you get familiar with the device integration process.

The steps for integrating devices with ROMA Connect are as follows:


Before performing this operation, complete the following preparations:

  • An EIP has been bound to the ROMA Connect instance, and the network where the local PC is located can communicate with the EIP network.
  • The MQTTX client has been downloaded and installed locally.
  • A topic has been created for message integration in the ROMA Connect instance. For details, see Creating a Message Topic.

Step 1: Define a Product

A product is a device model. You can define a product to determine the function properties of a device. Each device belongs to a product.

  1. Create an integration application.
    1. Log in to the ROMA Connect console. On the Instances page, click View Console of an instance.
    2. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Integration Applications. In the upper right corner of the page, click Create Integration Application.
    3. In the dialog box displayed, set Name and Description, and click OK.
  2. Create a product.
    1. In the navigation pane on the left, choose LINK > Product Management. On the page displayed, click Create Product in the upper right corner.
    2. In the Create Product dialog box, set product parameters and click OK.
      Table 1 Parameters for creating a product



      Product Type

      Select Common as the product type.

      Protocol Type

      Select MQTT as the protocol type.

      Integration Application

      Select the integration application created in 1.

      Product Template

      You do not need to set this parameter.

      Product Name

      Enter a product name, which can be user-defined.

      Manufacturer Name

      Enter a manufacturer name of the device, which can be user-defined.

      Manufacturer ID

      Enter a manufacturer ID of the device, which can be user-defined.

      Product Model

      Enter a product model of the device, which can be user-defined.

      Device Type

      Select Default Type as the type of the access device.

      Model Version

      Enter a device model version, which can be user-defined.


      Enter a brief description of the product.

  3. Add a thing model service for the product.
    1. On the Product Management page, click the Products tab and click the name of the product created in 2 to access the product details page.
    2. On the Thing Model tab page, click Create.
    3. In the Create Thing Model Service dialog box, set thing model service parameters and click OK.
      Assume that the device is a temperature sensor. Create a temperature service Temperature for the product.
      Table 2 Parameters for creating a thing model service




      Enter Temperature as the name of the thing model service.


      This parameter specifies whether to enable the thing model service. Retain the default value, that is, the thing model service is enabled.


      Enter a brief description of the thing model service.

  4. Add a property for the thing model service.
    1. In the left pane of the Thing Model tab page, select the thing model service added in 3.
    2. On the Attributes tab page, click Create.
    3. In the Create Attribute dialog box, set property parameters and click OK.
      Assume that the device reports only the property temperature whose data type is String.
      Table 3 Parameters for creating a property




      Enter temperature as the property name.

      Data Type

      Select String as the data type of the property parameter reported by the device.


      This parameter specifies whether the property must be reported by a device. Retain the default value, that is, the property must be reported by a device.


      Enter a brief description of the property.

      Max. Data Length

      Enter 32 as the maximum length of the property value.

      Enumerated Value

      You do not need to set this parameter.

  5. Add a command for the thing model service.
    1. On the Commands tab page, click Create.
    2. In the Create Command dialog box, set command parameters and click OK.
      Assume that a device has the SET_STATUS command for setting the status, the command field is status, the data type is String, and the enumerated values are on and off.
      Table 4 Parameters for creating a command




      Enter SET_STATUS as the command name.


      Enter a brief description of the command.

    3. Locate the created command in the command list and click on the left of the command name to expand the command fields.
    4. Click Create Field.
    5. In the Create Delivery Command Field dialog box, set field parameters and click OK.
      Table 5 Parameters for creating a command field




      Enter status as the command field name.

      Data Type

      Select String as the data type of the command field.


      This parameter specifies whether the field must be carried in a delivered command. Retain the default value.


      Enter a brief description of the command field.

      Max. Data Length

      Enter 32 as the maximum length of the command field value.

      Enumerated Value

      Set this parameter to on,off, indicating that the device can be enabled or disabled.

Step 2: Register a Device

After a device is registered with ROMA Connect, a unique ID and key are allocated to the device to access ROMA Connect.

  1. In the navigation pane on the left, choose LINK > Device Management. On the page displayed, click Create Device in the upper right corner.
  2. In the Create Device dialog box, set device parameters and click OK.
    Table 6 Parameters for creating a device



    Integration Application

    Select the integration application created in 1.

    Associated Product

    Select the product created in Step 1: Define a Product.

    Device ID

    Enter a device ID, which is the unique identifier of the device and can be user-defined.

    Device Name

    Enter a device name, which can be user-defined.


    Enter the access password of the device. If you do not specify this parameter, the system automatically generates a value.

    Confirm Password

    Enter the confirm password of the device. If you do not specify this parameter, the system automatically generates a value.


    This parameter specifies whether to enable the device. The device can connect to ROMA Connect only after being enabled. Retain the default value, that is, the device is enabled.

    Device Tag

    You do not need to set this parameter.


    Enter a brief description of the device.

  3. On the Device Management page, click the name of the created device to access the device details page. On the Topics tab page, view the topic information about the device.

Step 3: Configure Data Forwarding Rules

ROMA Connect does not directly store data reported by devices. You need to configure data forwarding rules to forward device data to other services for storage. The following section uses ROMA Connect MQS as an example to describe how to forward data to the destination.

  1. In the navigation pane on the left, choose LINK > Rule Engine. On the page displayed, click Create Rule in the upper right corner.
  2. In the Create Rule dialog box, set rule parameters and click OK.
    Figure 1 Creating a rule
    Table 7 Rule parameters




    Enter a rule name, which can be user-defined.

    Integration Application

    Select the integration application created in 1.


    Enter a brief description of the rule.


    This parameter specifies whether to enable the rule. Retain the default value, that is, the rule is enabled.

  3. In the rule list, click the name of the rule created in 2 to access the rule details page.
  4. In the Source area, click Create Source, set related parameters and click Save.
    Figure 2 Creating a source
    Table 8 Source parameters



    Product Name

    Select the product created in Step 1: Define a Product.

    Device Name

    Select the device created in Step 2: Register a Device.

    Topic Name

    Select the topic to which the device sends messages. The topic name is in the format of {Product ID}/out/{Device ID}.

    Topic Level

    Select a topic level. The value is automatically adapted based on the value of Device Name. If you do not specify Device Name, Topic Level is Product. If you select a specific device from the Device Name drop-down list box, Topic Level is Device.

    Base64 Encoding

    Specifies whether Base64 encoding is performed on the forwarded device data. You do not need to enable this option.

    Include Device Data

    Specifies whether the forwarded data includes device data. To facilitate subsequent identification of the device to which the forwarded data belongs, enable this option.

  5. In the Destination area, click Create Destination, set related parameters and click Save.
    Figure 3 Creating a destination
    Table 9 Destination parameters




    Select ROMA MQS to integrate messages forwarded to ROMA Connect MQS.

    Connection Address

    Select the MQS intranet address of the current ROMA Connect instance. You can view the address on the Instance Information page of the ROMA Connect console.

    Topic Name

    Select the topic created for message integration in Prerequisites.


    This parameter is available only if MQS SASL_SSL is enabled for the ROMA Connect instance.

    Enter the key of the integration application to which the topic defined in Topic Name belongs.


    This parameter is available only if MQS SASL_SSL is enabled for the ROMA Connect instance.

    Enter the secret of the integration application to which the topic defined in Topic Name belongs.

Step 4: Debug the Device

A device can access ROMA Connect by integrating the MQTTX client or SDK. Use the MQTTX client to simulate a device to connect and send messages to ROMA Connect.

  1. Obtain device access information.

    In the device list on the Device Management page, view and record the values of MQTT Connection Address, Client ID, Username, and Password of the device created in Step 2: Register a Device.

    Figure 4 Device access information
  2. Open the MQTTX client installed on your local PC and click the icon for adding new connections on the client.
    Figure 5 MQTTX client
  3. On the page for editing connection properties, enter the connection property configuration information and click Connect.
    Figure 6 Configuring connection properties
    Table 10 Connection property configuration




    Enter a name for the connection configuration.

    Client ID

    Enter the client ID obtained in 1.


    Select mqtt://, and enter the IP address in MQTT Connection Address obtained in 1.


    Enter the port number in MQTT Connection Address obtained in 1.


    Enter the username obtained in 1.


    Enter the password obtained in 1.

  4. Click Connect to connect to ROMA Connect.

    If the connection is successful, the connection status in the upper left corner of the MQTTX client will be displayed in green. On the ROMA Connect console, choose LINK > Device Management. On the page displayed, Status of the device will be displayed as Online.

    Figure 7 Device online
  5. Enable the device to send data to ROMA Connect.
    1. On the MQTTX client, click the connection created in 3, enter the device topic and message content, and click to send a message to ROMA Connect.
      • Enter the topic of the message sent by the device in the text box in the format of {Product ID}/out/{Device ID}. You can log in to the ROMA Connect instance console, choose LINK > Device Management, click a device name to go to the details page, and view topics of the device on the Topics tab.
      • Enter the message content in JSON format in the message text box.
      Figure 8 Enabling a device to send a message
    2. On the ROMA Connect console, choose Message Queue Service > Message Query.
    3. Click Advanced Search to expand advanced search options.
    4. Enter search criteria and click Search to query the messages sent by the client.
      • Select the message topic created in Step 3: Configure Data Forwarding Rules for Topic Name.
      • Select Creation time for Search By and select the time segment for the device to send messages to ROMA Connect.
    5. Click Message Body and check whether the value of the data field in the message reported by the device is the same as that sent by the MQTTX client.
      Figure 9 Viewing the message body
  6. Enable the device to receive a command from ROMA Connect.
    1. On the MQTTX client, click the connection created in 3, and click New Subscription, enter the topic (in the format of /v1/devices/{Device ID}/command) of the command delivery request, and click Confirm to subscribe to the device command delivery message.

      You can log in to the ROMA Connect instance console, choose LINK > Device Management, click a device name to go to the details page, and view topics of the device on the Topics tab.

      Figure 10 Subscribing to device messages
    2. On the ROMA Connect instance console, choose LINK > Device Management. In the Operation column of the device, choose More > Deliver Command.
    3. In the Deliver Command dialog box, set the command to be delivered and click OK.
      Figure 11 Delivering a command
      Table 11 Parameters for delivering a command




      Select the thing model service added in 3. In this example, select Temperature.

      Synchronous Communication

      Retain the default value Disable.


      Select the command added in 5. In this example, select SET_STATUS.


      This parameter varies according to the command field added in 5. In this example, the status field is displayed and set to on, indicating that the device is enabled.

    4. On the Received tab page of the MQTTX client, you can view the command delivered by ROMA Connect to the device. Check whether the values of cmd and paras in the command are the same as those set on the ROMA Connect console.
      Figure 12 Command received by the device