Updated on 2024-06-28 GMT+08:00

CodeArts Pipeline

CodeArts Pipeline allows you to visualize and orchestrate CI/CD (continuous integration and continuous delivery) pipelines. It helps enterprises realize continuous, efficient, and automated delivery, shortens the time to market (TTM) of applications, and improves R&D efficiency.

This service is a visualized and automated task scheduling platform. It needs to be used together with automated tasks of services such as CodeArts Build, CodeArts Check, CodeArts TestPlan, and CodeArts Deploy. You can orchestrate these automated tasks based on your requirements, such as application deployment in the development, test, or production environment. A single configuration triggers executions repeatedly to avoid inefficient manual operations.

CodeArts Pipeline provides the following functions:

  • Allows you to add, delete, edit, and query pipeline jobs on the Web UI.
  • Allows you to assign permissions to different accounts based on their roles.
  • Allows you to manage and schedule jobs of building, code check, subpipeline, repositories, deployment, delayed executions, manual reviews, and API tests.
  • Allows you to add, delete, and edit pipeline stages.
  • Allows you to execute jobs in the same stage in series or parallel.
  • Allows you to configure pipeline parameters.
  • Allows you to execute specified jobs in a pipeline.
  • Allows you to view pipeline execution records.
  • Allows you to configure how a pipeline is executed, either triggered by an event (code commit, MR, tag creation) or at a specific time.
  • Allows you to configure internal messages and email notifications for pipeline events.
  • Allows you to customize extensions.
  • Allows you to create rules and policies for pass conditions.
  • Supports microservice-based lightweight changes in DevOps.
  • Supports dependency analysis for open-source software and vulnerability interception.


CodeArts Pipeline allows you to manage pass conditions in pipeline stages through rules and policies. You can create extension-based rules, set the threshold comparison conditions, reference the conditions in policies, and apply them in pass conditions. A policy is a set of rules. You can manage policies by tenant or project.


You can use built-in extensions or customize them for task orchestration.


Microservices are a software governance architecture. A complex software project consists of one or more microservices. Microservices in the system are loosely coupled. Each microservice is independently developed, verified, deployed, and released. Microservices have the following benefits:

  • Specialized: Each microservice focuses on a specific function. It is relatively easy to develop and maintain a single microservice.
  • Independently deployable: A microservice is independently deployed and updated without affecting the whole system.
  • Diversified technologies: For microservices architectures, different services communicate over RESTful APIs. You can choose the desired technology for each service.


Changes can be used to meet requirements and fix vulnerabilities. A change belongs to only one microservice.

A change's lifecycle includes developing, to be released, releasing, and released. You can create a change-triggered pipeline to release one or more changes for quick delivery. You can set pass conditions and manual review task to control the quality of changes.

CodeArts Release

CodeArts Release is an E2E solution provided by CodeArts for automated rollout and continuous version delivery. Version compatibility and version quality source tracing ensure version quality. Collaborative release approval and release decision-making ensure the standardization of the release process.


  • Provides solution-oriented baseline management capabilities, supports multi-dimensional version orchestration at the microservice, module, and product levels, and supports multi-cloud version mapping.
  • Provides cloud-native microservice release management capabilities, supports gray orchestration and release of microservices, supports blue-green and canary gray release, and implements cross-cloud orchestration based on UCS.