Updated on 2022-11-16 GMT+08:00

Data Protection Technologies

DEW takes different measures to keep data stored in DEW secure and reliable.




Transmission encryption (HTTPS)

DEW uses HTTPS to enhance data transmission security.

Making an API Request

Key management

HSMs are used to manage and store key materials to prevent key leakage.


Envelope encryption

In scenarios where a large amount of data needs to be encrypted or decrypted, DEW provides envelope encryption to protect sensitive data in application systems. The data keys used for encryption are stored, transferred, and used with envelopes.

Encrypting or Decrypting a Large Amount of Data

Key rotation mechanism

Keys that are widely or repeatedly used are insecure. DEW allows you to periodically rotate keys and change the key materials to comply with encryption best practices.

About Key Rotation

Secret management

DEW provides secret lifecycle management and supports secure, convenient application access, helping you reduce secret leakage risks caused by hard coding and improve data and asset security.

Secret Management

Secret import

Key materials imported to KMS can be encrypted using the RSAES_OAEP_SHA_256 or SM2_ENCRYPT algorithms.

Importing Key Materials