Updated on 2024-05-16 GMT+08:00


If there is insufficient balance but no other payment method configured, your account will go into arrears. To continue using your cloud services, top up your account in time.

Arrears Impact

  • Yearly/Monthly

    For ROMA Connect instances billed on a yearly/monthly basis, you have paid for the resources in advance. Even if your account is in arrears, existing yearly/monthly ROMA Connect instances can still be used. However, you cannot perform operations that involve fees, such as modifying instance specifications and renewing orders.

  • Pay-per-use

    When your account is in arrears due to automatic fee deduction for pay-per-use ROMA Connect instances, the account status turns to arrears. In arrears, the pay-per-use resource continues rendering service but enters the grace period. You need to pay the fees of your pay-per-use resource incurred during the grace period. To view the fees, go to the Billing Center > Overview page. Huawei Cloud will deduct the fees after you top up your account.

    If you do not pay the arrears within the grace period, the resource enters the retention period and its status turns to Frozen. You cannot perform any operations on pay-per-use resources in the retention period.

    If you do not pay the arrears within the retention period, your ROMA Connect instance will be released, and data will be lost.

    Figure 1 Life cycle of a pay-per-use ROMA Connect resource

    Both the grace and retention periods are 15 days.

Avoiding and Handling Arrears

Delete unnecessary ROMA Connect instances to avoid unexpected fees. After an instance is deleted, data cannot be restored. To save cache data, back up, download, and save it in advance.

Enable balance alert on the Billing Center > Overview page. When the total amount of the available quota and all coupons is lower than the threshold, you will be notified by SMS or email.

If your account is in arrears, top up your account as soon as possible. For details, see Top-Up and Repayment.