Help Center/ KooPhone/ Billing/ Billing Examples
Updated on 2024-07-15 GMT+08:00

Billing Examples

Billing Scenario

A user purchased a yearly/monthly cloud phone at 00:00:00 on Jun 16, 2023. The specifications were as follows:

  • Professional, 4 vCPUs, 8 GB memory, and 64 GB storage

After a period of time, the user found the current cloud phone specifications no longer met service requirements and unsubscribed from it at 08:58:30 on Jun 28, 2023. Then, the user purchased another yearly/monthly cloud phone of higher storage for one month at 00:00:00 on Jun 29, 2023. The specifications were as follows:

  • Professional, 8 vCPUs, 16 GB memory, and 128 GB storage

How much are the fees generated from June to July?

Billing Analysis

In this example, the billing contains two periods:

  1. Yearly/monthly usage from Jun 16, 2023, 00:00:00 to Jun 28, 2023, 08:58:30
  2. Yearly/monthly usage from Jun 29, 2023, 00:00:00 to Jul 29, 2023, 23:59:59

Yearly/Monthly Billing

For the first usage period:

The price of a one-month professional cloud phone with 4 vCPUs, 8 GB memory, and 64 GB storage is $x USD. The billing duration is 12 days. The fee is $(x/30*12) USD.

For the second usage period:

The price of a one-month professional cloud phone with 8 vCPUs, 16 GB memory, and 128 GB storage is $y USD. The billing duration is 30 days. The fee is $y USD.

From June to July, the total fees are $(x/30*12+ y) USD. (The calculation is for reference only. The actual amount is displayed in the bill and expenditure details.)