Updated on 2023-09-25 GMT+08:00

Pay-per-Use Billing

Pay-per-use billing is a postpaid mode in which you pay for what you use. This billing mode requires no upfront or long-term commitments. In CCM, this billing mode is used only for private CAs and private certificates. This topic describes the billing rules for private CAs and certificates.

A root CA is billed from the moment it is created. Subordinate CAs are not billed until they are activated.

Application Scenarios

Pay-per-use billing is good for short-term, burst, or unpredictable workloads that cannot tolerate any interruption

Billing Items

You are billed for the following resources on a pay-per-use basis.

Table 1 Billing items

Billing Item


Private root CA

Root CAs you create are billed on a pay-per-use basis.

Private subordinate CA

Subordinate CAs you create are billed on a pay-per-use basis.

Private certificate

Private certificates you apply for from existing private CAs are billed on a pay-per-use basis.

Table 2 Private CA billing details

Private CA Status

Billed or Not


Pending activation


A private certificate can be used only after being activated.



An activated CA can issue certificates, revoke certificates, and sign CRLs.


How an activated CA works depends on what type of key it owns.



A disabled CA cannot be used to issue certificates, but it can still revoke certificates and sign CRLs.


How an activated CA works depends on what type of key it owns.

Pending deletion

  • If a private CA in the Pending deletion status is finally deleted as scheduled, no additional fee is incurred for the pending deletion period.
  • If the deletion is canceled for a private CA in the Pending deletion status, the pending period for the private CA will be billed.

For example, if you delete a private CA at 00:00 on January 1, 2022 and the private CA is deleted seven days later as scheduled, you will not be billed for the seven days. If you cancel the scheduled deletion at 00:00 on January 4, 2022 and the private CA is not deleted, you will still be billed for the CA for the period from 00:00 on January 1, 2022 to 00:00 on January 4, 2022.


Only Disabled or Expired private CAs can enter into the Pending deletion status when they are deleted. This means when you delete a disabled or expired certificate, it cannot be deleted immediately. It takes at least 7 days for a scheduled deletion to take effect (depending on the delay time you configured).

Only the deletion cancellation is provided.



An expired private CA is no longer trusted and cannot issue or revoke certificates or sign CRLs, but it still uses the CA quota and can be exported.


If you no longer need a certificate, delete it as soon as possible to prevent unnecessary fees incurred.



Only subordinate CAs can be revoked. If the CRL function is enabled for their parent CA, the revocation information will be published in the CRL of subordinate CAs. Revoked private CA will no longer be trusted.